Happiness: An Alternative Ending To TVD

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A/N: I died when Stefan Salvatore died. He deserved to live his life to the fullest with his wife. He didn't deserve to die on his goddamn wedding night in his goddamn wedding tux just for fanservice, that to by burning alive. Personally I think if someone had to die, it should've been Damon but I am not going into that. RIP Stefan Salvatore, you will be missed.
This is a little drabble on how I think TVD should've ended instead of the shit we got. Set just before Stefan takes out the cure from his system.


Stefan was running towards the cemetery until he heard his phone go off. It was a voicemail from Caroline.

"Stefan... I need you to know that I understand. I love you. I will love you... forever. I understand."

He could tell she was crying, and he couldn't help but cry too. If he was really gonna do this he had to keep himself together, though. He kept thinking about the life he could have if he didn't go through with this. A life with Caroline. Maybe, there was a way everyone could survive this, maybe, just maybe? He needed to put himself together but how could he?

"Stefan." Matt saw Stefan running towards the cemetery.

"Matt, I really need to stop Damon from sacrificing himself."

"Stefan, look I know you're going to sacrifice yourself for Damon but please think about Caroline. I have spent my entire life hating vampires but I do know that even some vampires deserve happiness. It wasn't your fault Stefan. Please don't give Caroline the punishment of what you think is right."

Stefan sighed. "I'll see you Matt." And he went back to the cemetery.

The hellfire was getting closer to Damon and Katherine but Stefan stepped in just in time.


"Stefan what are you doing here? I compelled you to leave, brother."

"There's one thing you should know, I would not step one foot on this earth without taking vervain."

Damon tensed up. "But you need to get out of here!"

"We both do." Stefan took the knife from Damon and Stabbed Katherine with it.
"Damon come on."

Damon vamped both of them into the other room while Katherine burned and the fire went back to hell.

Stefan and Damon both looked up and  they realized it worked and they both got out alive. They shared a hug and were overjoyed.

Bonnie managed to wake Elena up and Damon and Elena decided to get married.

Stefan and Caroline were in their bedroom, finally alone. They were laying in their bed together, Caroline's head was on his chest and they were content with each others company.

"I heard your message and I just want you to know, that I will love you forever too, Mrs Forbes hyphen Salvatore."

She smiled at that. "How did you know I would hyphen it?"

"Easy, I know who I married."

She giggled at that. "I love you Mr Salvatore."

"I love you too Mrs Forbes-Salvatore."

As the sun set, they kissed and they had never been happier.

Stefan and Caroline spent the rest of their lives together, they travelled the world together, they opened a school for children with "special powers" by taking a loan from the bank. Stefan grew old with his wife, he got to help raise her children and their children after that. He got to fight to be the man Caroline deserved, until the die that he died.

Caroline decided she didn't want to live without Stefan, she knew she had fulfilled her role of a mother and wife and Stefan and Caroline died and found peace together.

They were surrounded by everyone they loved, Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Lexi,  Liz and all of their other friends and family. They all lived a long happy life and even in the afterlife, they were happy for eternity and Stefan and Caroline loved each other forever.

This was Stefan Salvatore's Story

A/N: This is canon in my head. This is what happened at the end of 8x16. I refuse to accept anything else.
P. S. Yes Matt Irrelevant Donovan finally did something good for once in this drabble, bc I needed him to otherwise I would hate him forever.

A/N: I just read Kevin Williamson's interview that said that something similar to what happened in this drabble was meant to be the original ending until they changed it bc he thought Stefan should pay for everyone he killed. WTF is this BS!?
I was in denial, then grief now I'm just really angry.

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