First Day Living Together, Part 1 - A Steroline Breakfast

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A/N: 801 was so good! Steroline was perfect! And they've moved in together! This is just a bit of domestic Steroline. Part two comes tomorrow. Enjoy!

Caroline opened her eyes revealing her beautiful blue orbs. She turned her neck to the other side of the bed where she was expecting to see the handsome face of her boyfriend. She was was surprised to see that he wasn't there. She got out of bed and put on her night robe.

"Stefan?" She searched their room but she realised that he wasn't there. Then she saw a note on his perfectly neat desk. On top of it was a rose, her favorite. She opened the note and read it:

In the kitchen. Come soon.
Love Stefan

She smiled to herself. As she left the room she could smell omelettes . Stefan Salvatore was cooking her favorite breakfast for her. The perfect boyfriend.

As she approached the kitchen, she saw her perfect boyfriend standing over the kitchen worktop, tossing over the pan with the omelette wearing his white tank. God, he looks so hot in that tank, she thought to herself.

She went closer to him and put her head over his shoulder to see what he was doing and then wrapped her hands around his neck. Stefan smiled and left a peck on her cheek.

"Good morning Miss Forbes."

"Good morning Mr Salvatore. I see you're making my favorite breakfast."
"Well this is our first official day of living together so I thought why not celebrate it." He said with a smirk.

"Well isn't that sweet!" They smiled.

"Breakfast is ready!" turning around with the plates in his hand.

Caroline's face lit up. They sat down at the table and Caroline saw the table covered with roses and a fruit scented candle in the middle. Stefan knew exactly what she loved; another reason to fall in like love with her a little bit more. She smiled and looked up at him.

"Why are you so perfect?" She asked while Stefan smirked.

"Because I have you to complete my imperfections and make me perfect." Caroline giggled and kissed him.

Caroline was about to dig into her food but Stefan thought it was more appropriate to feed her with his own hands.

"Oh my god! This is the best thing ever. I love you so much for this!" Stefan chuckled.

"I love you too Caroline, way more than you can imagine." He left a peck on her forehead and she smiled.

They talked like this throughout breakfast, enjoying each other's company.

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