First Day of Living Together, Part 3 - A Fairytale

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It was a cold night with the wind blowing string and the rain was pouring hard. The twins were tucked in, in one of the guest bedrooms. Stefan and Caroline were sitting on a sofa, next to the fireplace, cuddled up, with Caroline's head on Stefan's shoulder. Stefan was stroking Caroline's hair like always.

"I can't believe you bribed Lizzie and Josie into liking you." Caroline teased.

"Hey, I did not bribe them I just said I'd buy ice cream if they would cone out to the park with us; everyone loves ice cream!" They chuckled.

"Stefan, I know how these past few months have been torture for you with Damon missing and everything else. So I just want to make sure that you're okay, especially after what Damon said to you the other day."

"Caroline, I'm okay. And the reason I'm okay is because I have you with me forever." She smiled. "Everyday gets better when I have you by my side. And other than all thus mess, I was thinking about something else."


"How would you like it, if I got a nursery installed for Lizzie and Josie so that they can stay over more often. I know that'd make you happy and-"

Caroline turned around to him and kissed him. "I'd love that Stefan. You don't know how happy this makes me" They smiled.

"We should probably get some sleep, the last bit of my stuff is coming in tomorrow so we need to make sure we're awake to put everything in the right place or my control freakiness is going to skin you alive." Stefan chuckled.

"I'm glad you're here Caroline." He really was, with her, it felt like the there was no crap going on with his brother. With her, the whole house seem to have a more positive feel. With her, the atmosphere wasn't dull but was bright. This was Caroline Forbes, a bright light in a sea of darkness.

"I'm glad I'm here too."

"Mommy." Lizzie and Josie were standing there.

"Babies, what are you doing up?"

"We can't sleep because of the storm." Lizzie replied. "Can you and Uncle Stefan tell us a story?"

"Of course!" Stefan replied.

The twins and Stefan and Caroline went upstairs into the couple's bedroom and snuggled up on Stefan and Caroline's bed. Caroline' head was on Stefan's chest and Josie laying in her lap. Lizzie was laying in Stefan's lap.

"Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a huge beautiful palace in a small kingdom with her mum, the queen, and her friends." Caroline started telling them a story. "Then one day two princes came to the kingdom and started staying there."

"The princes soon became friends with the princess and her friends." Stefan continued.

"One of the princes became best friends with the princess because he was always there to help her." Caroline said this bit. Stefan looked up at Caroline and smiled and Caroline smiled back.

"After many years of friendship, the prince realised that he was in love with the princess." Stefan took Caroline's hand into his hand.

"The prince and princess went through a lot of obstacles but they always found a way to find their way back to each other, because they were willing to fight for their love." Caroline and Stefan did not lose eye contact for one second while Caroline said this.

"And they decided that they always wanted to be together for eternity, no matter what problems they were faced with. And they lived happily ever after. The end." Stefan ended the story and when he looked down the girls were asleep and he kissed both of them on the forehead. He then kissed Caroline on her cheek. This made Caroline smile once again. She snuggled onto Stefan's chest.

"Thank you so much for everything, Stefan. For always supporting me, for always being by my side, for always making me feel like I'm not crazy thank you for today and thank you for loving me the way you do."

"You know, I should really be the one thanking you. You quite literally changed my life Caroline. You're my rock and I want you to be by my side for as long as we both shall live."

"You always give me a reason to fall in love with you a bit more every single day."

"And I'm going to continue doing that for the rest of forever because my love for you is never going to change. I will always, love you Caroline."

Caroline giggled and soon the couple drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. And if fate would support them, they would spend every day and night like this one, forever.

A/N: This was the last part. Hope you enjoyed it.

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