Hot Damn

283 11 4

^This ol'horse is thirsssttyyy and desperatee^
Ok so I think this is gonna be a weirdish chapter so don't get mad ok?

Disclaimer All characters owned by: Hajime Isayama

Marco's POV

"Jean, I'm sorry"

"jean I'm sorry"

"jean i really am sor-"

Bertholt places his hand on my shoulder causing me to look up.

"Marco, it's not your fault"

I was about to respond but he just hushed me and continued to stare at Jean.

Armin walked in again, looked at us and said nothing. Outside I could hear arguing, probably Ymir and Reiner with poor Krista in the middle.

"She's going to have to choose soon isn't she" I laugh quietly
"Yes, she will." Armin nods in agreement
"But who?" Bertholt wonders out loud

"Who..." We all say

"I'm up for Ymir"
"Me too sorry Bertholt" I say apologetically
"No I think also think that Krista-san should choose Ymir..." He says as a sad smile appears on his face. Armin pats his shoulder and exits the room.

I really wanted to ask why he was upset, but one look at his face told me I shouldn't.


Suddenly Bertholt's sad look disappears and we both look at each other with raised eyebrows. Was that Sasha?




As we start to stand up Eren runs in sweating.

"Eren what happened"
"Well you see someon-"





Eren sighs and massages his forehead with his hand.

"Someone ahem touched Sasha"

"And so..." I ask then quickly realizing what it meant.

"Oh god"

Bertholt gives it some though with his eyes closed for a moment.

"Did Connie really do it?"

"NO! He was sitting next to me and Sasha but he didn't!" Eren tells him

"You again, huh..." Bertholt says biting his bottom lip

Me and Eren look at each other for any understanding.


He sighs then starts to explain.

"Well there was a person who kept interfering with the uh well couple to be's and even our friendships, I guess you don't notice because you guys are constantly blaming it on each other but I notice and um..."

He looks up to see us staring at him.

"Um, well it was kind of a stupid suspicion so I'm sorry you don't have to take this information into consideration" he says quickly, embarrassed.

I smile and pat his back.

"Thanks Bertholt it's awesome that you notice these things. We appreciate it"

As he gives me a sad smile, then we start to plan to try to figure out what to do. As in how to expose this mystery person.

"I think we shou-"

"Hack, cough"

I freeze and then instantly turn towards the bed to see Jean cough a bit then stop.

"We'll be back after we tell the others ok?" Bertholt smiles and pushes Eren out of the room quickly following after him.

"J-jean?" I stutter sitting beside the bed concerned

"hmm? who..."

"It's Marco" I smile with relief and reach out to hold his hand, but for some reason ended up holding his wrist to check his pulse.

He squeezes my hand. "mar-rco? i'm not, dead you dummy..."

"I know" I say almost crying, then crying quietly as his face slowly twitches into a smile.


"i know"

Sasha's POV

Holy shit.

I can't believe that, that...Ughh...

"You're making that face again" Hanna worriedly smiles

I un scrunch my face and groan as I see Armin come back from this little conversation the others were having.

"Sorry Armin" I smile sadly

He nods and heads into the cabin since he had heard that Jean woke up.

I sigh and look up the sky. At least that can't grope me.


I know this voice and in order for me not to slap him I sit on my hands and continue looking up at the sky.



"Sasha please just listen to me"

I shrug and he continues.

"Ok Sasha it really wasn't me, I would never ok?"

"Then who CONNIE?" I frown and glare at him, waiting for an answer.

Connie's POV

Are you kidding me? Maybe if you listened to me you would know.

Shut up Connie, I can't get mad or so Armin told me. I swallow my anger and some of my pride. I have to,

'Be the man'

I almost sighed but I stop myself before I do because I was told she might snap at me if I did.

Girls are really hard to figure out, my brain doesn't have the capacity to figure them out and I thought we were super close to being... A couple? But then...

"A desperate bitch that's who" I spit out angrily

She widens her eyes in surprise then resumes the 'I'm mad at you fuck off ' face soon after.

I sigh. Are you fucking kidding. I sacrificed some of my pride to the pits of manliness and this is how she reacts?

But then again I would be doing the same thing if I thought my friend had done something so low.



"You're my friend, I would never do something that low. Please, listen to me."

She closes her eyes then inhales.

"Let me hear the story."

After explaining the story Bertholt told us she nodded and face palmed.

"Connie..." She stars but I cut her off.

"No, I would do the same." I grin

"Connie I'm sorry" she says and stands up to hugs me which I gladly return. I felt like someone was watching us so just in case if it was that mystery person I raised my middle finger up and mouth a kind 'fuck you' then went back to hugging the girl of my dreams who maybe isn't that far out of reach.
I guess this story's not ending soon. Have fun bai!

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