Fighting with Dean.

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"God, why don't you ever listen to me, Dean?! All you care about anymore is yourself!" You screamed at your boyfriend, shaking your head as he looked at you, offended by your words.

"Me? I'm the one fighting to keep you happy all the time! Y/N, if I only thought of myself, would I have asked you to move in with me? Would I be always coming home with flowers for you or trying to spoil you all the time? No, didn't think so!"

You shook your head, still angry with him. Dean had forgotten about your anniversary, and spent it out, drinking with his mates. He came home, and you let him have it - why should he have a fun night when all you got to do was sit at home and cry?

"Forget what day it is then?" You spat, obviously reaching your boiling point.

"What? No, it's the 23rd...oh shit."
You huffed, rolling your eyes as he confirmed what you already knew. You walked away quickly, wanting some time to calm down, but Dean followed behind you, his dark blue eyes tearing up as he did.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I-I completely forgot today was our anniversary. I-I've been a shit boyfriend to you, haven't I?", he shook his head, looking at his feet as tears rolled down his face.
You went over to him, sighing as you wrapped your arms around him. You hated to see him cry and didn't want him to beat himself up over it. Cuddling him close to your body, you comforted him as he cried, reassuring him that it was ok.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much, please don't forget that," he finally said.
"Dean, I'm sorry too, and I love you too, forever and always."
He laughed softly as he kissed your cheek, giving his head a gentle nod, "forever and always, babe."

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