Fighting with Cian.

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Your boyfriend Cian was out again, and you were left to watch Netflix by yourself, as usual. At first, you understood that he was in a band and he'd be away often, but now, it was getting to the point where it felt like he just didn't want to be around you anymore. You hated feeling unwanted, but you tried to take your mind off of things as best as you could, it wasn't going to do you any good to keep dwelling on the fact that he wasn't there.

Just as your programme finished, you heard the front door of your flat opening. Cian walked in quietly, taking his jacket off and hanging it up in the hall closet by the door. He walked past you and smiled softly, continuing towards the bedroom.

"Cian? Where are you off to now?", you called, a little annoyed that he hadn't walked over to properly say hello.

"Babe, I have to get packing, you know that. We're headed for London tomorrow and I haven't started yet. Do you know where my denim button up shirt is?".

You sighed, shaking your head as you wandered into the bedroom. Looking through the closet, you found the shirt Cian had been looking for, in a crumpled ball on the floor. He groaned slightly, packing a pair of jeans into his suitcase.

"Do you mind washing that for me? I need it for tomorrow", he started.

Staring at him in disbelief, you threw the shirt at him, angry because of how he was acting.

"No, Cian. I can't wash your shirt for you. Wash it yourself. You never bring me along to any of these trips, so why should I help you out by doing all of your laundry for you?"

Cian turned to face you, clearly not liking what you had said, "I can't bring you with me, you know that! I've tried asking and they keep saying no. Apparently bringing a girlfriend is 'distracting'. I don't know, I didn't make up the bloody rule, did I? None of the other lads can bring their girlfriends along, so you're not the only one. Stop acting like it's all about you!"

You walked up to Cian and sharply slapped his cheek with your hand. You could feel your hand stinging slightly, and Cian shook his head, holding a hand to his red, sore cheek. You turned to walk out of the room, obviously hurt by his words. All about you? You had done nothing but do things for Cian every time he was headed off somewhere for work, all you ever did was try and help him out, but the one time you wanted a little bit of attention from your boyfriend, this is what you got.

You cried yourself to sleep on the couch, and woke up the next morning to find that the house was empty. You looked around, calling Cian's name, but there was no answer. When you walked into the bedroom, you found a note laying on the bed, written in Cian's messy, hurried writing.


I'm sorry for what I said, I know it must be hard for you, because it's killing me that you can't come with me. I miss you every day that I'm gone, and I want you to know that, when I'm not home with you, I still think about you everywhere I go. You're the only girl I've ever loved this much, please don't forget how much I love you.

I'm off to London now, I didn't want to wake you in case you were still angry with me, the last thing I wanted this morning was for us to fight again. I'm going to talk to Louis and see if we can take a week off or something soon and, if we can, then you and I can go on a nice holiday somewhere. France? Italy? New York? It's entirely up to you. I'll even take you to Dublin if that's all you want.

I love you desperately, you know that, right?


Cian xxx"

You felt tears streaming down your cheeks as you read his note, feeling rather horrible for slapping him the night before. You looked at the clock, realising that he might still be at the airport if you hurry. You threw a few of your belongings into a bag and grabbed your handbag, passport and car keys. You were going to make it to that airport before Cian left, and if you didn't - you were going to make it to London before tomorrow morning.


You arrived at the airport, your things in your hands as you hurried to the gate. You had bought a ticket for the same flight out to London, and you didn't have much time before it took off. By the time you made it through airport security and into the terminals, you only had 45 minutes before Cian was off to London. You ran through the airport, not wanting to text Cian, because, you knew that the minute you texted him, he'd stop himself from boarding the flight. You didn't want him to do anything like that - you knew he needed to go to London.

Finally, you spotted Dean at the Starbucks in the terminal, getting himself a coffee before the flight. You ran up to him, panting slightly because of how fast you had been moving before. He looked at you, surprised to see you in the airport, but when you explained what you were doing, he understood completely.

"He's been pretty down all morning, he really does think the world of you, y/n", Dean nodded his head, smiling softly, "want me to tell him you're here? Or want to just walk behind me and I'll help you surprise him?"

"Help me surprise him, please. If he knows I'm here then he'll try to send me home, but if I'm here already and holding my boarding pass up, he can't."

Dean laughed, nodding as he started to walk slowly. You followed behind him, just short enough that you wouldn't be seen as long as you stayed right behind. You spotted Cian sitting there, and when Dean stepped to the side, you raced up to Cian and hugged him tightly. The two of you exchanged apologies, and Cian kissed your cheek. You knew he was sorry, and you knew that you both loved one another more than anything. A little distance wasn't going to get in the way of that.

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