Winter/Holiday Dates.

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Dean - Dean would take you to Starbucks to get yourselves each a hot chocolate (with extra whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on top!) before the two of you started walking around the city centre at night, admiring the Christmas displays in shop windows and the lights all around town. Dean loved Christmas and thought that everything looked so much more beautiful when the Christmas lights were out, and he loved it even more that he could share it with you.

Dayl - Dayl would take you ice skating, and try to show off that he was a rather good skater for you, but since you weren't very skilled at it yet, he stayed close to your side, holding your hand so you wouldn't fall. The two of you skated together for quite a while before you felt confident enough to skate on your own. After you became comfortable with it, you and Dayl started twirling and spinning around on the ice together.

Ryan - Ryan would take his little brothers to the shopping centre to see Father Christmas/Santa, and invite you to come along, so you two could get some Christmas shopping done at the same time. Ryan's four youngest brothers came with you, so when Ryan took two of the boys to see Santa, you took the other two off to find Christmas gifts for Ryan, and then the two of you switched. After you finished your shopping, you and Ryan took the boys to the Disney store and bought them each a small little gift, then Ryan treated you for lunch.

Cian - Cian would take you to see a Christmas performance, like The Nutcracker ballet. He didn't really like things like that himself, but he knew you loved watching the stories and dances so he bought you each a ticket to go. Since it was a fancier event, he showed up on your doorstep in a suit and tie, while you had on a fancy red dress. He treated you like a princess the whole night, and you had a fantastic time.

Brendan - Brendan would take you out for a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant. He'd pick you up on time, looking rather dressed up when he came to your door. He drove you both to the restaurant where he'd made reservations in advance for you both, and your table was set up by the window, with a bottle of champagne and a couple of candles set up for you. The two of you had a lovely roast dinner by candlelight as you took a break from the stress of shopping for the holidays.

Josh - Josh would take you skiing in France for a few days with his family, they rented a separate room for the two of you, and, while you spent more time cuddling together inside, Josh had fun teaching you how to ski outside. After a long day of skiing lessons, and mostly falling down, Josh took you back to your room where the two of you could sit on the couch by the fire and drink tea/coffee together, just enjoying one another's company.

{credit to Grace_Burkexx for coming up with the idea of a Christmas/holiday themed date! Loved writing this one, thanks Grace! x}

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