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Sorry for the lack of updates - I've come down with a bad cold/flu bug thingy and I haven't been feeling so great, so the inspiration hasn't really been there. I've got all day today to do nothing though so I'm hoping to finish all the one shot requests and put up a few preferences now.

I think I'll be taking a break from the fighting with the boys set that I've done, as I've lost ideas as to why you'd fight with Brendan and Josh, haha.

I'm open to any requests for preferences right now, and I'm thinking about doing a pregnancy/kids series as I've seen a few others do, maybe a Twitter series? but I'm not entirely sure how to do it, or if I should keep it separate from the one I currently have going.

If you have preferences you'd like to see me write, either comment or inbox your ideas to me!

If you have a one shot request, I've moved those to a different book (?) for now, as it helps to keep it more organized for me. You'll find all one shots here: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/55654671-hometown-oneshots-requests-open

I am taking requests, but it may take me a little while before I get things posted, as I'm coming up to my first round of exams and final projects for this term at college.

Thanks for reading my stories everyone! xoxox

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