It's totally a date

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Wendy's POV

I didn't notice Dipper came back in because it was finally quitting time. "Quitting time!" I shouted out as I got up and got my coat off the coat rack and started buttoning one by one. Once I looked over his direction I smiled so wide. As I finish buttoning up my coat I said softly, "Hey, Dipper?" I said waiting for a response and hearing that beautiful, manly voice. I soon got lost in thoughts with his appearance as I thought how wonderful it might be to kiss his juicy pink lips or how amazing it would be just to be in his arms forever. Once he replied back I snapped out of my thoughts and getting mesmerize by that beautiful voice. "Well I was just wondering if you wanna hang out at my place for movie nights? You know like old times?" I said smiling and laughing as flashbacks appeared in my head of our 'old times' together. "Haha, yeah sure! You didn't replace me with anyone else right?" he said blushing red as he chuckled awkwardly. God his blush and laugh was so adorable.
"Hell no! You're like the best person to hang out for movies!" I said ruffling my fingers through my hair. As I ran my fingers through his soft, thick, and gorgeous hair I couldn't help but get hypnotize by it. I finally snapped out of it and pulled away. I really didn't want to though... "Haha I am aren't I?" He said smirking a bit as he looked confident. I started laughing so hard and he started to laugh along too. He made me laugh... Finally when I calm down, I looked at him and said with one last chuckle, "I'll see you at nine okay?" I said smiling. "Haha okay! Bye Wendy!" He said smiling as his cheeks were still red. I waved at him and said "Bye, Cutie." As I shut the door. I just called him cutie... I felt a victory inside me almost if I could do anything in the world. I surely have to be ready tonight. Because I will win that boy's heart...

An: shit shit dam Wendy whats gonna  happen next? Find out in the next chapter :3 btw sorry for grammar mistakes! Tell me what you think!!

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