I Hate Mornings

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I opened one of my eyes. Light shone brightly in through the glass door of my apartment. I opened the other eye, sat up on my futon, and rubbed both of my eyes so I could see again. I yawned, which formed tears in the corners of my eyes. I looked up at the the clock to see what time it was. I didn't speak a word, it was so silent in the apartment except for the ticking of the clock.

I got up off my futon and headed to my dresser to get some clothes on. But instead of just being picky about what I wear, I just threw on a t- shirt and pants that went down to my calves. I then
slug - walked into the kitchen area and started a cup coffee for myself.

. . .

I had already finished my coffee and had gotten my make up on and all that. Now I was walking out of my apartment and headed to the supermarket because I was out of a lot of things in my fridge. I walked out on the sidewalk while looking over at my list to make sure that I didn't forget anything. Then I looked into my purse to make sure I had everything with me. I had my keys, my phone, ... "Shoot, I forgot the coupons", I turned around and walked the other way towards my apartment. When I did, I heard a huge explosion go off. I turned my head towards the source of the sound, and what I saw made my eyes go wide. A huge crater had been made right where I had been standing a second ago. Fear suddenly took over me and I turned around and tried to find the source of the destruction. I saw in upon a building a monster that was part machine but it had bulges of flesh sticking out of various parts. 'Again? And this early?' the monster cackled and pointed at me. "You! My name is X-034. I was a mistake in a lab..." 'Oh great, another monster with an inflated ego' I thought as the monster started its speech which I didn't even bother listen to. "I am here to assassinate you! To make sure you don't ruin anymore of our plans! And that's that!" "So, are you done talking?" "Wha?" I guess he got angry at my question, because the next thing he did was open fire on me. I quickly moved out of the way to avoid being fried. I hid behind a wall of an abandoned building. I looked inside my purse, trying to find my phone. But I couldn't find it. I peeked out of my hiding spot to see if I dropped it out on the empty road. But it wasn't there either. I looked back to hide myself in my spot.
I gasped in surprise at the human hand that wasn't there before. I looked up to see the face of a close friend. "I think you dropped this" He said to me. I looked back at his hand to see my phone enclosed in it. I sighed in relief and took my phone from him, "Thank you, Saitama". He helped me up from where I was sitting while I brushed the dust off of my pants. "Are you alright?" he asked me, "I'm fine" I replied with a smile. I looked over at the monster and smiled again when I saw Genos taking care of "it". I turned back to face Saitama but he wasn't there. He was replaced by a gust of wind.
It seemed that I didn't have to deal with this monster. Those two can handle it, besides, its not as if it was powerful as the previous monsters. So I put my phone away and headed out, careful not to hit any debris on the way.

When I turned around a couple of blocks to make sure they couldn't see me. I sighed and slumped against the building that my back was to. I looked down at my phone that was in my hands and narrowed my eyes.

"Are you alright?"

I grasped my head in my hands. The picture of Saitama stuck in my head, creating a flush across my face.
But I couldn't keep that image there, I wasn't supposed to have that flush on my face. I stuffed my phone back into my purse while trying my best to get him out of my thoughts as I made my way to the store.

He's A Quirky C-class Hero, But He's My Quirky C-Class HeroKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat