Epic Battle Time

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Recap: You were just captured by the weird guy at work in his evil robot. But before he could take you anywhere, Saitama shows up to save the day and protect you.

"A hero for fun? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" (p/n) asks. "Saitama! Where were you?" "Oh," he starts, "well, I had to go into the men's bathroom to change into the suit but the zipper got stuck, so I had to fix it before I could come back out here". 'Seriously?' I thought, "This guy is really pathetic" "HEY!! Only I get to call him pathetic!!" I yelled. "I don't get what you see in this guy, (Y/N)", 'a lot more than you do apparently'. "Eh, whatever, I'll just destroy him now" (p/n) started rushing towards Saitama, why wasn't he getting out of the way?! The robots fist was seconds away from impact; But before it could even send Saitama flying, the robot suddenly stopped. But not on purpose, (p/n) had tried to hit Saitama but there he was. Saitama was just standing there, blank faced, holding the punch without struggle. 'So this is his power, so strong..' my thoughts drifted away so I didn't notice Saitama for long, that was until I saw the robots hand torn clean off and scrunched into a ball. "(Y/N), are you alright?" I nodded, "But my back hurts a bit" he then tore off the fingers that were gripping me tightly and helped me down. "Well I'll get you to the doctor's right after this, just to make sure everything actually is alright" I smiled lightly, "Alright". "Hey!! What the hell?! Did you just forget about me?!" Oh right, 'he' was still there. "That pisses me off!! A few missiles will finish you off!" "Saitama!" I screamed his name and he responded by putting me behind him. I covered my eyes, somehow thinking that would keep me safe. One by one, three explosions went off right in front of us. I didn't see what happened because my eye were closed, I could feel it by the force that was exerted.
Once all of the explosions were done, I uncovered my eyes and saw that we were perfectly fine. I lingered on the thought of how that was possible, I mean, THEY WERE MISSILES!!
Saitama kept a firm stance before the giant robot, but he didn't appear hurt in the slightest. He then turned his head towards me, "(Y/N), you're fine enough to walk, right?" "Yeah" "I want you to try to get out of the building as fast as you can" "what?" Was all I could muster out of myself. This time he fully turned himself to face me, "Things are going to get really hairy around here and I don't want you to get hurt" I heard those words and immediately my face began to flush. "O-Okay, just don't die on me" he smiled at this and responded, "alright" without looking away from me. Why was this getting so awkward? I took that as my que to leave. I ran to the nearest emergency staircase.


*10 min later*
I had gotten to the bottom of all of those stairs, damn there were a lot. There was no one on the first floor but there were people outside of the building such as paramedics and some people I knew from work. I quickly ran out to them to feel safe once more. I also some firefighters and policemen run towards me once I exited the building doors. One of the cops ran right up to me, "Ma'am, I have to ask you if anyone else is inside of the building" "Uh- yes,-" before I could finish my answer, an explosion came from above. A puff of smoke was created and everyone saw a body falling out of the floor I had just been in. It was falling and soon collided with the ground, spilling its guts and blood everywhere. I quickly rushed over to the body to identify it. I sighed in relief to realize it was my attacker. I then heard another sound, but it was the sound of metal and it was coming from ....

It was the giant robot that was used to attack me, I quickly tried to run so as to not be crushed. Seconds away from impact, an arm takes me by the waist and a person's body covers my back. I cover my head as the robot is sliced in half. A bit of debris falls on my head but that was it as I heard the robot crash onto the ground. I uncover my head and looked behind me to see Saitama holding my waist with a fist in the air. "Saitama..." I mumbled, suddenly, a roar of applause irrupted from the crowd ahead of us. "Eh? What are they cheering for?" I said, completely oblivious to the situation. Saitama let me go and we both stood there, looking at the crowd, with awe and confusion.
"(Y/N)," I turned to face him,"let's go home, okay?" I smiled lightly,"Okay". We then headed in the direction of the crowd, it was an action packed day that I didn't expect. It was one hell of a day, but I was glad to be there for it.

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