Spending Christmas With The Heroes of City-Z

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Y/N's P.O.V.
A couple months later, it was Christmas (or near it anyway) . City Z was very inactive during the seasons, mostly because they were spending them with their families or "creators". But for this Christmas, I was spending it with the two strongest heroes of City Z. Saitama had invited me over for dinner and Genos was tagging along as well. I had cooked some food for the two of them, even though I knew that Genos would have already made something.
I rapped up the food and headed out to Saitama's apartment.


I rang the doorbell and waited for a couple of seconds until I heard some crashing and Genos yelling "Master". Everything fell silent for a minute and footsteps were headed towards the door.
Finally, the door swung open to reveal a tired Saitama with a trying smile. "Hey, (Y/N). I see you brought the food." He moved out of the way so I could enter, "We were starting to worry that you wouldn't make it" Saitama said as he was closing the door. I set the door in the kitchen and got out everything. "I'm just glad you didn't start without me" I said with a smile. I looked up and saw Genos sitting at the table in the living room. "Hello, Genos" "Good evening, (Y/N). Would you like me to set up the table?" "Yes, please" I replied while taking off my coat. I put it in the closet and we started our Christmas.


"That was really good" Saitama said with a full stomach. "I agree with Sensei. It was very well put together"
"Well I'm just glad you two enjoyed it" I smiled. They had eaten everything as if they hadn't eaten in a month. Although Genos ate like an etiquette master, Saitama gorged down everything at once. But I decided to ignore that and just enjoy my Christmas.

After dinner we decided to give each other our gifts. I gave Saitama a registration card for the superhero gym. He cried at my gift and thanked me a lot of times. I got Genos a cook book so that he could try out some new recipes. He thanked me and said that he would try it out as soon as possible.
After I gave them their gifts, they gave me mine. Genos gave me a new cosplay outfit, its skirt was really short.  Saitama gave me some video games for my PC. 'But why the cosplay?' I thought.  "Why don't you try it on?" I looked away from my gift and looked at the two. "What?" "Try it on". Genos repeated, "B-but why?!?" I yelled,  "So that I can see that it fits" I could hear the smug look in his voice, and I started hating him for it. I looked at Saitama for him to back me up on the subject but he was just staring off into space. I quickly rushed off into the bathroom with a face of red.


I came out of the bathroom with the cosplay on. Honestly I thought it was really cute at first. But when I put it on I was really nervous about wearing it. My breasts were beginning to pop out of the shirt, my stomach was showing, and the skirt was up to my thighs. 'Oh, yeah." I thought, 'this will really give them some boners' I scoffed. I looked at their faces for reactions. This time Genos was really looking smug, he had the huge grin and everything. Saitama was staring at me wide-eyed with a face like a tomato. I covered up my breasts with my arms, "Happy now?" I asked Genos sarcastically, "Very" he replied. He was still smiling at that point that I could kill him. "I'm getting out of this!" I yelled and stormed back into the bathroom.


I had gotten out of the cosplay and it was already time to go home. Saitama offered to walk me home, even though we didn't talk much, I thought it was the most eventful Christmas I ever had.

"I'm glad to have spent the holidays with you guys this year. It was really fun" except for the outfit part. "Well, as long as you're happy, these things matter" his remark made me smile a bit. We reached my front door and I unlocked it. I turned to Saitama and was about to open my mouth, but he beat me to it. "(Y/N) .... I just wanted t-to say t-that you loo-looked really cute in the cosplay" my cheeks were starting to heat up when I heard that. "Th-thank you, Saitama" was all I could manage to get out of my mouth. What else could I'd have replied with? It was nice that he said that but it was a strange thing to say. I opened my door and faced him before I entered. "Goodnight, Saitama. I'll see you later" "Y-Yeah, see ya" and with that I walked into my apartment and closed the door behind me. This was going to be a holiday to remember.

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