The Nice Guy at Work

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
A couple days passed after New Years and I got back to working at my job. I worked at an industry and it almost looked like the Office.
I was sitting at my office cubicle and was finishing up my papers. In about a couple minutes I was able to head home.
I shuffled my papers into a nice pile and set them aside. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a figure slowly walking towards me. I turned to see that it was one of those weirdos that worked in the lower floors. Just my luck, he stopped right in front of me. "H-hey, (Y/N)" "Oh, hey" I kind of felt bad that I didn't remember his name. But at the same time I didn't. "Y-You remember me right? It's (persons name) (sorry) from floor 4" "Yeah, I remember you" I lied. "What's up?" "Oh, I was wondering if y-you're free this evening?" Oh no. "Um, no. That's not really a good time for me" his smile disappeared for a second, but it came back when he asked me again. "W-Well h-how about this weekend?" I took a second to think about my answer, then an idea popped into my head. "If you're asking me out on a date, then I'm going to have to decline. I already have a boyfriend" I lied again. That's when his smile disappeared all at once, "a-A b-boyfriend?" His voice turned sad and had a tint of anger in it. "Yes, that's right" I said starting to pack up my things. "D-Does he w-work here?" I saw him gripping his tie with both of his hands. "No, he doesn't" I replied, I knew he was getting more pissed off the more I talked about my "boyfriend". "Well, I have to go. Bye" I said as I passed him and speed-walked down the hall. Trying to get out of there as fast as possible.


I quickly opened my apartment door and slammed it. I slid down the door onto the floor. I was trying to catch my breath. Trying not to worry about (persons name). He won't find you here, (Y/N). He doesn't know where you live.
I tried to reassure myself. But he will find out one way or another. So I had to get a fake boyfriend by tomorrow.
I went over my options. Who did I know? They only two people I knew in this city were Genos and Saitama. Well, they're both guys, but I don't think either of them know what it's like to have a girlfriend. (Burn)
But since I wasn't really sure, I headed out to their apartment. But not before I checked to see if the guy was there.


"YOU WANT ONE OF US TO BE WHAT?!" I finished up my tea that Genos handed me. "It's just for a couple of days, Saitama. Only until I'm sure that he isn't fawning over me" "Why not just have Master punch him in the face for you?" Genos offered; "ah, no, I don't want him to think that I just sent someone out to kill him". "Just tell him you're not interested" wow, thanks Saitama. "It's not that easy" I defended myself. "Yeah, it is. Just walk up to him and say it" "As if you would know how hard it is to say that kind of stuff to a guy!" "Listen (Y/N), I-" "I will do it" "Eh?" Saitama and I faced Genos to see him raising his hand. "But Genos," I walked over to him, "you lost most of your emotions when you turned part cyborg, right?" "That is correct. But," suddenly, Genos grabbed my face with one hand and held my waist close to him with the other, "with a face as lovely as yours, (Y/N), I would feel all that is needed" his one hand traveled lower while his other hand on my head pushed me towards him. "G-Geno-" With a great force, Genos was pushed into the wall. Or more like punched. Saitama's fist was level with my face. But when I looked at him for an explanation, he looked the other way. So I looked to Genos instead, my eyes widened at the site. There was a huge hole where his cheek was supposed to be. And the wall was now a crater site. I ran to him and pulled Genos out of the wall as nicely as I could without damaging him more than he already was. "Saitama!!!" I screeched at him, this time I demanded that explanation. "I-I didn't want him to hurt you!!" "Thank you but I didn't he would've hurt me". I put Genos over my shoulder, boy was he heavy, Saitama helped Carry Genos to Dr. Stench's lab.


THIS WAS HORRIBLE!! Dr. Stench said that since their was so much damage done to him, the repair would take a couple of days to finish! Now I only had one option left.

Saitama would have to be my boyfriend.

Of course he wouldn't hear of it. So now I would have to use my strongest method of persuasion.

"Pleasepleaseplease!! You have to help me with this" Ever since we got back to his apartment, I've been tugging on his arm and getting in his face about my situation. "For the last time NO!" "Please!" I pushed him onto his futon, "I'm not going to ask you again" he huffed and turned his head to the side. "Listen, if you do this for me, I'll do something for you. Anything" he sighed and looked up at me in defeat. "Fine, you'll have to pay my rent for a month" That's it? "Alright". It was agreed. Saitama woul be my fake boyfriend for a couple of days.

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