A Nice Afternoon

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Y/N's P.O.V.
Saitama and Genos had already finished the monster that I had encountered earlier today and I had gotten back from the store and was now in my apartment with all of my groceries put away. I decided to just be lazy and enjoy the noises from outside. So I just heated up some ramen and put on My Neighbor Totoro.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

The two superheroes sat in their apartment going over the events of the day and talking about how Genos was so popular.

"Oy!! You don't need to keep bragging about how everyone is fawn over you!!" Saitama exclaims. "Forgive me, Sensei. I did not mean to" Geno's apologizes flatly. "Yeah, whatever" Saitama says as he shrugs off the whole situation while Genos stand up. "I will go make dinner then" Genos goes into the kitchen and starts on the food. Meanwhile, Saitama's minds travels back to the maiden he rescued earlier.


Y/N's P.O.V.

The movie had just ended and I was almost getting ready to go to bed until I heard a knock at the door. I opened it only to find Saitama at my doorstep. "Uh, hey Y/N, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner..." I was a bit taken aback by his offer, but I had to think of this only as a friendly gesture, not a date. "Okay, what time do you want me to come over?" "Um.." He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, "I was sort of hoping if right now was a good time" "Oh," I replied, "yeh! That would be great!" I said with a small smile. So I grabbed my keys, locked my apartment, and followed Saitama.

Saitama's P.O.V.

We entered my apartment and I called out for Genos but got no answer back. I looked around and found a note on the kitchen wall that was left by him.


I have gone out for a bit so that you can

spend some time with Y/N. The food is still warm

so please eat it quickly.

- Genos

I scrunched up the note and grinded my teeth together. 'He said he would be here, that he wouldn't leave me here alone with Y/N!!' I looked up to the sky with tears in my eyes very dramatically. Yelling inside of my head mixed with internal screaming. "Is everything alright?" I turned around to Y/N who looked worried and confused. "Everything's alright," I gave her a reassuring smile, "it's just that Genos went out for a while. So I don't think he'll make it back in time for dinner" she nodded and we started to eat. Even thought most of the time neither of us talked to each other, I wanted to start up a conversation. But I didn't want to pressure her into one.
"Hey, Saitama," Or I could just let her start it, "you know about the new superhero, right?" "Yeah, that one woman that everyone seems to have a fan club for, right?" She nodded. "She hasn't appeared for a while, don't you think that's a bit strange?" Actually it's been a month and a half. And I didn't really find it that strange, it's not as if she stole my heart so I didn't pay attention to her actions that much. "Hey, don't be rude! Acting like a reporter! I gave you a free dinner!" I said with a pouty face. I expected her to yell back at me, but she laughed instead. "HAHA!! You look really funny!! HAHA!!" I made an 'o' with my mouth, this was the first time I ever heard her laugh. It was was a beautiful sound that somewhat gave me...

... Happiness.

Y/N's P.O.V.
My laughter died down a bit after a minute or two. I wiped away the tears that were starting to form in the corners of my eyes. My smile died down, but it was still there a bit. I then noticed that my dinner was finished and so was Saitama's. I looked back to him and opened my mouth to speak. "Well, I better get going. Thank you for the dinner" I ended with a smile and stood. Saitama stood immediately after I did and we headed for the door. I opened it up and stood at the frame, facing Saitama. "No problem, I enjoyed it" without me knowing, he suddenly got close to my face as I was red as a tomato. "But now you owe me" he said in a serious tone along with a smirk. I could feel my heart racing, trying to calm it down with steady breaths, but to no avail. "W-what do you want?" I asked, trying to sound as serious as possible. His smile got wider as it opened to respond.
"I don't know" he said returning back to his normal self.  But I just stood there in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened. "I think I'll decide tomorrow. Oh, well, goodnight then" and shut the door in front of my face. I turned around and walked back to my apartment on the way thinking, 'Why would he do that to me?' My head was dizzy and my legs wobbled all the way home.

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