Clothing Mix Up

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Italics and Underlined are the ones I didn't do

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Day 1 Flirting // Wrong Uniform

Yawning softly Hinata sluggishly pushed himself up, struggling slightly to get out of Oikawa's grasp, rubbing softly at his eyes. Stretching his arms out as another yawn broke through his mouth, eyes scrunching up as sleepy tears hung onto them.

"Don't leave Shou," Hinata shifted his attention to Oikawa who had started migrating onto his lap, "there's no practice on Mondays so you can stay a while right?"

"Monday?" Hinata repeated slowly, eyebrows furrowing in thought before panic took over his face. "Coach is going to kill me Tooru! We don't have practice on Wednesdays, please let me go so I can get dressed."

"How can you get dressed and to Karasuno in twenty minutes though Shou, you have to eat after all." Oikawa murmured softly, nuzzling his face into Hinata's stomach.

"WHAT?" Hinata's voice was laced with panic and fear, "I DONT WANT TO DO TWENTY SUICIDE RUNS AS PUNISHMENT FOR BEING LATE!"

Oikawa sighed, removing himself from his adorable boyfriends lap just in time for Hinata to jump up and start rushing around to collect his clothes. Noticing his cute red haired lover pick up his shirt instead of Hinata's he opened his mouth to tell him before deciding against it.

"Text me at lunch then Shou?" Oikawa yawned, jaw cracking slightly as he gripped Hinata's jacket while the other rummaged around Oikawa's drawers for his phone.

"Sure! Promise, Tooru." Hinata chirped out quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket while simultaneously leaning down to peck Oikawa's cheek before rushing out the room.

Humming happily Oikawa watched in amusement as Hinata practically flew down the stairs with one big jump, smirking as he wondered what Karasuno's reaction to them dating would be.

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Twenty five minutes later and Hinata was thanking whatever deity that had made Oikawa's clock ten minutes fast since he was saved from doing suicide runs. Letting out a quiet sigh he removed his jacket off so he could pull of his shirt, pausing when he heard several yells of confusion behind him.

"What's wrong?" His confusion was written clearly across his face, tilting his head Hinata let out a curious hum wondering why they looked confused and angry.

"WHATS WRONG? WHAT THAT SHIRT YOUR WEARING DUMBASS." Kageyama roared angrily, looking more pissed then ever before as he pointed at Hinata's shirt.

"What's wrong with my shir-" Hinata cut himself of after looking down, squeaking loudly in embarrassment as he could feel his face start to burn.

"I-I didn't realise, oh god, why didn't Tooru say anything?! He knew this would happen!" Shrieking in panic, Hinata scrambled for his phone intending on asking Oikawa to bring him his school shirt.

"I personally don't see the problem," Sugawara's voice interjected from the club rooms doorway, "Hinata woke up thinking he was late at his boyfriends house and put on the wrong shirt in his rush to get here."

"You knew Sugawara-san?!" Hinata yelped, eyes widening as he nearly dropped his phone.

"Of course I did Hinata," Sugawara flashed him a calm smile, "Oikawa asked me if he could court you as he put it. I suppose he thought as a fellow third year and setter I wouldn't allow you to date him if you wanted to."

"O-oh," puffing softly Hinata relaxed from his panic, "Mum did say Tooru came and asked for her permission to date me first, I should have expected him to do something like that." He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Why'd you go straight for your phone like it would save you dumbass." Kageyama grumbled, less angry now that he knew Hinata wasn't planning on transferring to Aoba Jousai.

"Tooru can bring me my shirt since he didn't say anything! And I know he wouldn't have not noticed he's always trying to get me to wear his clothes saying I'd look cute in it." Hinata huffed out, pouting as he dialled Oikawa's number.

"Join us in the gym after you've done that then Hinata." Sugawara stated calmly, catching Kageyama by his jersey and dragging him out of the club room.

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