Cute Dorks Be Dorks

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Italics and Underlined are the one I didn't do

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Day 3: First Date // Nicknames

"Tenshi-chan come and cuddle with me~~." Oikawa whined, pathetically waving his arm at Hinata's back. "You've been doing homework for an hour no~w."

"Why'd you just call me an angel?!" Hinata squeaked, spinning around on his chair revealing the furious blush spreading across his face.

"Because your my angel now come cuddle with me," for added affect Oikawa pouted pleadingly, "please?"

Instead of replying verbally Hinata just got out of his chair and shuffled over to his bed that Oikawa had draped himself across an hour ago. Once he was in arms reach Hinata yelped as Oikawa pulled him down next to him, grinning happily.

"I love you my little angel~" Oikawa cooed softly, foreheads leaning against each other and small smiles exchanged.

"Love you, Tootoo-chan." Hinata murmured, ducking his head into Oikawa's neck as the other processed what he had called him.

"That's so cute Shou-chan!" Oikawa gushed out, gently cupping Hinata's face into his hands. "Did you just think of it?"

Looking at Oikawa's eager eyes Hinata couldn't help but nod as he averted his gaze, blush making a fast comeback. However Oikawa turned his face back so they were facing face to face, kissing him softly with a very happy smile.

"Now we both have nicknames to call each other in private huh? I'll just continue calling you Shou-chan in public, your blush is for me to admire the most." Oikawa chirped giddily, as he started pressing quick kisses to Hinata's face.

"That tickles Tooru," Hinata laughed, squirming in Oikawa's grasp, "stop stop! Ahahaha I give stop it Tooru!"

Relenting his endless supply of kisses, Oikawa placed his forehead back against Hinata's with a content smile on his face. Closing his eyes he breathed out slowly, content in the action of holding Hinata without any words exchanged between the two of them.

"I love you Tooru." Hinata sighed, curling up into Oikawa's chest as his arms wormed their way around him.

"And I love you Shouyou." His voice was full of awe and adoration as he whispered quietly into Hinata's hair.

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