Rejections and Understanding

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Italics and Underlined are the one I didn't do

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*whispers* I know nothing about Final Haikyuu Quest, also sorry it's short
Day 5: Unrequited // Final Haikyuu Quest

"Oikawa-san I like you will you please go out with me!" One of the second year girls had come up to him and he really, really did not like making people cry when avoidable but he couldn't not tell her the reason why her affections where unrequited that would be cruel.

"Sorry Miki-chan but I'm already going out with Shou-chan so I'll have to decline your offer." Oikawa gave her an apologetic smile, tears welling up in her eyes as she nodded sniffling quietly.

"I understand Oikawa-san, I hope she makes you happy." This statement caused Oikawa to make noise of confusion, tilting his head to the side.

"But Shou-chan's a boy Miki." Oikawa scrunched his face up in thought, failing to notice the footsteps approaching.

"Tooru! Iwaizumi-san said I could find you here, why are you late when you wanted me to come meet you?" Hinata's voice echoed curiously behind him, twirling around Oikawa grinned happily quickly scooping Hinata up in his arms and kissing him.

"Shou-chan! Meet Miki-chan," Oikawa cooed rubbing his cheek against Hinata's, "she doesn't mind that I'm going out with you unlike the others!"

"I prefer being told the truth rather than false lies is all Oikawa-san," she interjected tears faded, "Shou-san I hope you and Oikawa-san are happy together. Goodbye."

"Bye~ Miki-san! Thanks for understanding~!" Hinata chirped gleefully, waving at her as she walked away and receiving a small wave in return before Oikawa stole his attention away again.

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