Chapter 1

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Sierra Boggess woke up a bit too early for her liking one Saturday morning, and when she finally realized what had woken her up, she looked at her buzzing phone immediately. The bright screen revealed that it was none other but Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber calling, of course she herself would never call him that so she answered saying, "Yes, Andrew?"

"So listen, Sierra, the Phantom 25th anniversary is coming up, and I booked the Royal Albert Hall for some performances." She was very aware of the anniversary, but why was he calling her about it?

"I need you to be Christine in the performances" Sierra's jaw immediately dropped. He wanted her to uptake this huge honor?

"Oh wow! Of course! I'd be honored!" she somehow managed to sputter out.

"Excellent, you'll be emailed all the information very soon, I have to go"

Before she could even say goodbye, he had hung up. Oh. My. Goodness. This was probably the hugest thing that has happened to her since The Little Mermaid! She immediately called her very best friend Summer Strallen, who played her Meg in Love Never Dies,to tell her the news.

"Oh my goodness that's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" oh, Summer, much too chipper for the morning. that's why Sierra loved her, though. "Oh Sierra we have to go shopping or have dinner or something to celebrate! You're gonna be in London pretty soon right?" oops, she forgot to check her email.

"Actually, Summy, I don't know, but I'll text you as soon as I figure it out"

"Okay then, girly! I'll talk to you later!" they both hung up.

Sierra jumped up and ran over to her computer to check her email and, indeed, the email with all the details was there. As she read, she found her plane ticket was already paid for, and she was leaving in 2 days for London. The email also said that the apartment she had from Love Never Dies was cleared for her arrival, since it was still hers and was gonna stay hers.

About 20 minutes later when she was finished reading over and printing out her contract and details, she noticed something strange, she never saw anything about who the rest of the cast was! She reread the papers over about 20 times and found nothing. 

"Hm. I guess Andrew wants to keep it a surprise," she wondered out loud. As she spoke, her two cats, Celie and Olivia, walked into the room and started to rub against her.

 "I guess you're both hungry" she stated as she hopped up over to generic bowl and The Little Mermaid bowls that her cats ate out of. When she finished filling those up, she grabbed the Barbra Streisand water bowl and filled that up, too. When she put the bowl down, she really felt like doing her morning yoga, so she changed into her outfit and grabbed her yoga mat.

About an hour later she started to get hungry, so while she ate she looked over the papers again. She didn't even know the Royal Albert Hall could have actual plays done there, the staging was probably drastically changed. She realized that she forgot to text Summer when she was coming, so she grabbed her phone and did just that.

Hey, the papers said I'm arriving in about 2 days.


Okay, slow down, horsey. I'll just call you when the plane lands, alright?

Alright......... love ya! Bye!

Haha, bye!

Oh, Summer.

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