Chapter 4

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A/N Please send feedback, I'd really appreciate it, and it would help to make this fanfic better! Only for you!- Victoria


Ow! That's how Ramin woke up. He opened his eyes to see that Hadley had just slapped him.

"It's time to get up, Rameeny Beany, rehearsal start in a hour!!" he fluttered. Ramin got exited and jumped up.

"ALRIGHT MY MORTAL ENEMY, LET US GO!!!" Ramin said jokingly.

After doing the stuff they had to do, they wished little Hadley and Jaiden goodbye and hopped into Hadley's car. It was only a matter of minutes before they got to the studio where they would be rehearsing.

"God, I'm so nervous to see who the rest of the cast will be, they're probably all-star" Hadley squealed. They got out of the car and went inside. It was a huge open space with a couple hundred chairs layed out, they looked around and found Andrew.

"Hadley! Ramin! Come on in and sit, it'll only be a bit before everyone else shows up and you get to see your Christine!" Andrew got a bit of a gleam in his eyes and walked away.

After about 10 minutes, more of the cast arrived, and when Ramin and Hadley were talking to Daisy Maywood, who would be playing Meg, Ramin noticed Hadley look up at the door and his eyes grew wide.

"Ramin..." he said, frantically tapping Ramin on the arm. Ramin looked up and saw an all-but-too familiar head of red hair. Sierra

"Oh. My. God. I think Sierra is our Christine OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!" Hadley screeched way too loudly. Of course, that made everyone in the room look their way, including Sierra. When Ramin saw she noticed them, her jaw practically dropped to the floor then turned into a giant smile. She ran straight over to him and tackled him in a hug.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh you're my phantom oh my gosh!" she squealed.


"AND YOU'RE MY RAOUL!" and she tackled Hadley in a hug. When they broke apart she sighed.

"This is going to be the BEST TIME EVER"

"HECK YEAH IT IS!" Ramin and Hadley yelled in unison.

Ramin was so happy Sierra was his Christine. He had missed her so much since Love Never Dies, and she had to leave automatically to do another Broadway show. She was grinning the biggest smile, Ramin loved her smile, wait, Ramin you can't do this, she's with Tam and would never feel the same for you. When Sierra left, it turned out she took a piece of Ramin's heart with her, but he was confused as to why he wasn't over these feelings, it had been so long, well, I suppose 6 months isn't that long.


When Hadley saw Sierra walk through the doors, he knew automatically she was the Christine. This really was going to be the best time. His favorite role with his two favorite people. Plus, not that Ramin or Sierra knew, and they didn't, Hadley was a huge Rierra shipper, he even had a fanpage on Instagram, and they could hopefully get together this time around.

Hadley knew Ramin had feelings toward Sierra, but he just wasn't sure about Sierra's feelings toward Ramin, of course she was still with Tam, so probably no romantic feelings, and that made Hadley very sad.

He jut wished he could find someone for him that would make him apart of a couple even half of the greatness that Rierra would hopefully be, he sighed, maybe someday, Had. Sierra got a funny look on her face.

"You alright, Hadley? you spaced out!" she chuckled as Ramin was snapping his fingers in front of Hadley's face.

"Okay everyone! Enough with the doddling! It's time to begin!" Andrew said. Everyone took a seat and intently listened to Andrew as he went over the schedule very carefully, today, Hadley, Sierra, and Ramin would be practicing All I Ask of You and their solos. Yes, first day on the job with just my best buddies! Oh, and Daisy was staying to practice songs with Sierra, which was awesome, Daisy was always cool to be around.

When everyone else had left to do their business in other studios, Daisy moved to sit next to Sierra and whispered something that made her giggle.

"Alright, I think we should go fairly in order of the actual show, so Hadley, you're up with the prologue!" Andrew announced.

The rest of the day was very easy, they pretty much just sang through their songs. When rehearsal ended, Sierra walked up to Hadley and Ramin.

"Hey, do you guys want to go out for dinner tonight?" she asked. Ramin and Hadley exchanged looks.

"You betcha, where and what time?" Hadley asked.

Sierra said the name of this diner Hadley actually loved and at 6.

"We'll be there." Ramin said, doing a little half-smile.


Sierra was just so happy that her other two best friends were her co-stars. When she got back to Summer's flat, she was ambushed with questions.


"It went AMAZING, and you won't believe who my phantom is!" Summer leaned in intently. "It's Ramin, and my Raoul is Hadley Fraser!!!" Summer got the hugest grin on her face.

"OMG THE LOVERS TOGETHER AGAIN!!!! I don't know who Hadley Fraser is, but he sounds pretty nice" Sierra decided to keep the first sentence in mind.

"Yeah, he is, but you don't have to wonder much longer, we're going out to dinner, all of us" Sierra needed a dinner with all her best friends.

"Yay! Let's go get ready!"

Two hours later, 5:30 rolled by and Sierra announced it was time to go, since she didn't want to chance with traffic. When they got to the diner, Ramin and Hadley were already sitting at a table arguing over who was getting the hot wings.

"Rameeny Beany, why don't we just split a big plate!?" Sierra overheard Hadley say with a puppy dog face.

"Ugh, fine, I guess." Ramin said back.

"Hey guys!" Sierra said quite loudly when her and Summer got to the table. Ramin and Hadley looked up

"Summer! It's so nice to see you!" Ramin got up and hugged her. Hadley was looking at Summer like he was seeing an angel.

"I-um- I'm Hadley, nice to meet you." he sputtered. Summer looked at him and got a gleam in her eyes. Sierra took a mental picture and thought to herself that, if anything, this is what love at first sight looked at, and she was so happy .

Sierra took a second glance at Ramin and her heart raced, he looked, well, hot. Although, when did he not? Oh, snap out of it, Sierra. She, too had developed feelings for Ramin, but she told herself he didn't feel the same.

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