Chapter 5

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The entire way from Hadley's place to the diner, Ramin couldn't stop thinking about Sierra. As he got ready, he wondered if his outfit was classy enough for Sierra. As he got into the car. He wished he would be able to open doors for Sierra. Heck, even as they were driving he thought, that looks like a tree Sierra would like.

He was just embarrassed he was letting her take over his mind like this. Well, he was embarrassed, but not ashamed. Even though he didn't know why she was taking over his thoughts, he knew he liked it.

Hadley saying, "Hey. Hey. Hey. RAMIN WE'RE HERE!!!" Only shook Ramin out of his thoughts. He looked out the window and saw they were, in fact, parked in the lot for the diner.

When they got inside, they were seated immediately, and not much longer they got the menu.

"Shouldn't we wait for Sierra before we order?" Ramin asked

"Nah, she'll be fine," Hadley countered. What else did Ramin expect?

"Okay then. What're you getting? I'm getting hot wings." Ramin stated. Those sounded real good.

"Haha! No way, I'm getting the hot wings. Those things sound delicious." Hadley said.

"Nope, those things are MINE!" Ramin was gonna put up a fight for those hot wings.

"Rameeny Beany, why can't we just split a big plate!?" Hadley begged. Okay, this was getting out of hand.

As soon as Ramin agreed, he heard Sierra clear her throat. Had she heard all that? He felt his cheeks flushing. He then looked beside her and noticed Summer. That excited him.

"Summer! It's so nice to see you!" He jumped up and gave her a big hug. He'd missed her too.

After that, he looked beside him, and Hadley had the goo-goo eyes. Oh, God. The girls sat down and Summer, he noticed, was looking at Hadley the exact same way.

He looked back across the table directly in front of him where Sierra was sitting. Her eyes were a really beautiful shade of green in this lighting...

"You okay, Ramin?" Sierra asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. What the heck was going on!?

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I spaced out,"

"I noticed," Sierra said, laughing. Why did he have to be so dumb around her? She was engaged for goodness sake!

"So, what do you think you're gonna get?" He awkwardly asked.

"I think just a salad." She knowingly said. After that, Ramin turned to Hadley so he could help the situation, but he was busy flirting with Summer.

"Ramin, seriously, are you okay? You've seemed a bit out of it lately," Sierra asked.

"I'm perfectly fine-" he was cut off by the waitress coming to get their orders.

"Hello, my name is Rachel" she sighed "What can I get you?" She finished boredly. Ramin wasn't exactly getting a good vibe from her.

Summer and Sierra ordered their food while Rachel was sloppily writing it down.

"And me and my friend here will have a large plate of hot wings." Hadley said to her. Did his voice get deeper?

"That'll be out in 15 minutes. Or more." Rachel said as she slacked away.

"Well, she was enthusiastic!" Ramin stated while Sierra and Summer giggled and Hadley was just kind of looking confused.

Rachel had definitely fallen through on her promise when she came back with their food 20 minutes later. Hadley immediately grabbed for a wing and took a big bite.

"Even though this place has crappy service, it sure as heck falls through on it's food, because this is amazing." He stated while the others nodded with their mouths full of the food.

The rest of the dinner actually went pretty smoothly. No one died, so that's good. When they had to leave, Hadley and Summer exchanged numbers while Ramin and Sierra were chatting in front of the diner.

"So how are your kids doing?" Sierra asked Ramin.

"Oh they're doing just great. They're here in London with me!" He answered.

"Oh my goodness really!? Why didn't you bring them!?" Sierra and his kids always got along, which Ramin was very oddly happy about.

"Oh, they were practically glued to Hadley's games," he told her matter-of-factly. He got a light laugh to that.

"Why aren't they with Mandy?" And his heart dropped. Something in his expression must have given away what he was feeling, because Sierra immediately looked concerned.

"Ramin, did something happen?" She cautiously asked. He nodded, simply trying to hold back the tears from the memories of what she did to the boys that day...

"We got a divorce about two months ago," he said much calmer than he felt. Sierra's eyes immediately filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh Ramin, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." He instantly felt guilty.

"No. It's not your fault. I shouldn't be overreacting." He stated.

"Ramin, you have to let out your emotions sometimes. You shouldn't keep things like this bottled up." She said slowly. Things like this were why Ramin loved hanging out with Sierra so much, she always knew the right thing to say.

Just as he was about to say something, he noticed Hadley and Summer coming out of the diner, both giggling.

"I guess we have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow, Sie." Sie was the pet name Ramin gave her during Love Never Dies. She gave him one last hug before he walked to the car with Hadley.

The whole walk, Hadley was rambling on how great he thought Summer was. This didn't annoy Ramin, though, he was happy his friend finally found somebody. It was about time.

When they got into the car, Hadley finally looked over at Ramin and seemed to notice there was something wrong.

"Buddy, are you okay?" He asked. God, why did Ramin have to be so obvious with his emotions? Well, since he couldn't hide it now, he just shook his head.

Hadley just sat still in thought.

"Did she-" he stopped as if he were picking his words carefully. "Did she ask about Mandy?"

Ramin nodded silently.

"Did you tell her what happened?" His best friend asked. Ramin was definitely not ready to tell her. He just shook his head.

"You know she'll be there. I'm not pressuring you to tell her, but you just need to know that." Hadley always made Ramin feel better, also.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just not ready to tell her yet." Hadley was the first person he went to after it happened.

"Okay." Hadley paused again. "Let's go get some ice cream, shall we!?" Hadley yelled.

Ramin just laughed and nodded. He really did love his best friend.


Hello!!!!!! I am so amazingly sorry that I abandoned the story for so long, but no one was commenting and I just didn't have hope for it, but I thought why give up on it!? Now, I'm not sure how much I will update, but just know that I will be updating! There will be random updates here and there. Thanks for the support!

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