Chapter 6

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The whole way to the ice cream parlor, Hadley was trying to cheer Ramin up by cranking up the music and singing as loud as he could. Right now, Ramin was hearing Hollaback Girl. Delightful.


"'Cause I don't want to be seen singing Gwen Stefani in a car with another guy," Ramin said, shrugging. He got a flick on the head for that one.

"WE HAVE ARRIVED AT OUR DESTINATION" Hadley yelled like one of those GPS things. Ramin just looked at him thinking that he didn't need any more sugar.

They went inside and Hadley ordered possibly the most sugar-filled ice cream he could have. Ramin just ordered simple vanilla, his favorite. Hadley looked at him like he was crazy.

Sierra just felt awful for Ramin, though she knew how he felt... What was she thinking? He went through a divorce, Sierra! You just a breakup.

When she and Summer finally got back home, all she wanted to do was go to sleep.

"Hey, Summer, I'm pretty exhausted and I have rehearsals tomorrow. I think I'm gonna get some shut-eye," she said with a yawn.

"O-Oh. Okay! Sleep well, sweets." Summer said back to her.

Sierra gave her one last little smile before retreating to her room. She plopped down on her bed and drifted right off despite it being 8:12.

SOMETHING IS WRONG. The alarms were going off in Summer's brain. Yes, she had found the man of her dreams, but THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW.

Sierra was being quiet. Well, she kind of was normally, but she definitely normally holds conversations all the time! Today, on the car ride home, she didn't even listen to Summer while she talked! She just said "huh?" Every few minutes.

This was Summer's best friend, and she wasn't feeling good. That was unacceptable, so she had to make a plan.

It only took her about a minute before she decided that while Sierra was at rehearsals, Summer would get a bunch of movies and snacks, and they'd have a girls' night in. That'd definitely cheer Sierra up!

Summer made a list of the movies and food that she would get the next day. It consisted of a lot of chick flicks and rom-coms and tons of junk food.

She finally decided to go to sleep, but when she finally got comfy in her bed, her phone lit up.

TEXT FROM: Hadley😍

Needless to say, she squealed like a little girl when she saw that, then she remembered Sierra was asleep across the hall and immediately covered her mouth.

She opened it and giggled when she saw what it said, she texted back and they ended up texting each other until 11, when she finally forced him to go to sleep because he had rehearsals.

After they're nonsense conversations, she put in her headphones, turned on ASMR videos, and dozed off.

The next morning when she woke up, she turned and checked her phone. 11!? Sierra was late for rehearsals!!! She jumped up and ended up stubbing her toe on the bed. She squealed in pain and hopped on one foot out to the hallway.

She stopped when she noticed something on the front door of her condo, it read
Hi Summy! You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, so I made you breakfast and took the car to rehearsals. Your food is on the counter. Love ya! ~Sierra

Summer read it and it took no more than two seconds before she bolted around the corner to her kitchen where she saw a plate of French toast covered in powdered sugar, whipped cream, and fruit waiting for her. She was so happy to have a best friend so wonderful.

When Sierra got to the studio, she made a beeline straight to Ramin and Hadley, because she had stopped for coffee. She sort of nudged the both of them so they could turn around because her hands were full.

"One grande iced coffee for you!" She beamed and handed Ramin his favorite drink. He looked utterly shocked and smiled back.

"And one venti vanilla bean frappucino with chocolate chips and extra whip, AKA the Oreo frap!" And she handed that one to Hadley. His eyes widened and he grabbed it immediately, taking a big drink out of it.

"Now boys, what do you say?" Sierra asked jokingly.

"Mmmgmmm" was all she could make out, so she took that as a 'thank you' and laughed.

Ten minutes later, Andrew walked in the room and yelled "Alright everyone! I have an announcement to make!"

Everyone got closer and the three gave each other questioning looks.

Andrew cleared his throat and continued. "Unfortunately, our Carlotta has become sick with an illness that affects her vocal chords, so she will not be able to perform," this got a gasp from the crowd. "Fortunately, we have a new Carlotta who is just as beautiful and talented as her. Everyone, say welcome to Wendy Ferguson!"

Everyone applauded as she walked toward Andrew. She gave a small speech about how happy she was to be there, then Andrew announced that they would be starting with the choreography.

They were going to start by learning the Hannibal dance, so Sierra had to leave Hadley and Ramin behind for a little while she danced.

After finishing the blocking for Hannibal, Andrew sent everyone to the studio next door to practice Masquerade except for Ramin and Sierra, as he wanted to block Music of the Night.

Sierra's heart thumped a little harder. Alone time with Ramin! Wait, stop. He just told you he got a divorce, and you don't know how long ago this divorce was!

When she turned to look at Ramin, he was simply staring at her. Her heart fluttered.

"Oh, uh, Ramin? I think we should go to the platform now," she said. He blinked and shook his head and stuttered

"Y-yeah" okay, that was adorable.

Andrew got them into the position on the stage he wanted them to begin and they began their blocking.

The whole time, the blocking had them be very intimate and close, and Sierra just felt, happy. She didn't know why, she just knew whenever she did something with Ramin, she was so happy.

She also may or may not have gotten lost in his God-like voice. I mean, come on, how has he not had professional training!? So, it was easy for her to get in the trance her character was supposed to be in.

The rest of rehearsals went on like that. They also blocked the title song and I Remember/ Stranger Than you Dreamt It, and ran all three songs in a row a few times.

Let's just say Sierra felt like melting into a puddle and sleeping forever when rehearsals was over.


Hi! Thanks so much for reading. Comment feedback! Thank you and I love ya!

'Til I Hear You Sing: A Rierra FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now