Chapter 2

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"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy..." was what Ramin Karimloo woke  up to the same day. He rolled over onto his side to see his two boys, Jaiden and Hadley, poking him in the face.

"Just five more minutes, pppllleeeaaassee???" Ramin begged, rolling back onto his back. As a reaction to that, the boys jumped up onto his bed and jumped around until he got completely up. Well, up didn't work out, as Ramin just rolled out of bed onto the floor.

"Dad? Are you taking us with you to London when you do that anniversary thingy?" he heard little Hadley squeak. Of course he was, there was no way they were going to stay with Amanda, the fact that helps is the one where she left and left no trace of where she went after the divorce.

"Of course, buddy, I wouldn't let you guys miss it," Ramin promised. He got up to make them some breakfast, but when he heard the boys had put on How I Met Your Mother, he ran to the kitchen, popped some popcorn, and plopped down on the couch. The boys immediately ran to either side of him and plopped down.

About three hours and 4 bowls of popcorn later, little Hadley looked about ready to pass out. Ramin quickly hopped up to carry him to bed, and Jaiden followed right behind him. When he dropped Hadley onto his bed, Jaiden poked him in the back.

"What's up, Squirt?" Ramin said turning around.

"Nothing. I just..." when suddenly, Jaiden got a devious look on his face. " I'm just ready to wrestle!!" he said, tackling his dear old dad.

"Nooo! I'm too full of popcorn to do this!" but the wrestling match was already on.

"I win!!!" Jaiden said triumphantly 10 minutes later,standing on his dad who was pinned to the floor. After Jaiden's win, Ramin heard his phone ring.

"Alright, Squirt, I gotta take this," when he looked at his phone and saw that his best mate, Hadley Fraser, was calling.

"BUDDY ANDREW JUST CALLED ME AND OH MY WOW HE'S HAVING ME PLAY RAOUL IN THE ANNIVERSARY CONCERT!!!!!" his interesting friend screeched into his ear right when he picked up the phone.

"YES, THIS IS AMAZING HE CALLED ME AND SAID I'M PHANTOM" followed by some un human shrieks that only Hadley could pull off. They talked for a good 20 minutes before Jaiden seemed to get very, very bored.

"Alright mate, the elder child is bugging me, I have to go"

"Alright, so I'll pick you up from the airport on Thursday at 8. I wish you the very sweetest and best until then my one true love" Oh, Hadley.

"Um, okay???" and at that, Hadley Fraser hung up. Little Hadley, in the meanwhile, woke up and was walking down the hallway rubbing his eyes.

"When are we leaving for Uncle Hadley's?"

"Very soon buddy, very soon."


A 16-hour flight. Seems forever, but oh well. Sierra hadn't taken a flight alone in a very long time, she'd fly with Tam, until he dumped her because he "would have a brighter future without her". Andrew had gotten her a first-class seat, so that was a perk. 

"Miss, would you like anything to drink? Complimentary only for you!" wow, Andrew really went all out on just her.

"Ummm, I guess I'll have some.... Apple juice!" yeah, she was really craving some apple juice right then. The stewardess looked quite confused, but simply nodded and left to go fetch the juice. When Sierra looked down to check the time, she realized that she had wifi. She could really get used to this! She decided to text Summer and tell her that the flight was leaving, and she could text her because she did, in fact, have the wifi.

As she scrolled through the shows on her little TV to see what she could watch, something caught her attention drastically. OH YES! It was How I Met Your Mother. She was having a nice little chuckle when the stewardess came back with her apple juice.

About 6 hours later, she began to doze off, and she woke to hear the speaker. "We're landing already?" she wondered out loud, well she did fall asleep, so that probably should have expected that. She texted Summer to tell her they were landing, and made sure she wouldn't leave anything on the plane.

When she got her bag and walked to the front of the terminal, she heard a loud squeal. Many people turned to the noise and, unfortunately, she saw Summer making a bolt straight toward her, and she tackled Sierra in a hug.

"AHHHHHH IMISSEDYOUSOOOMUSH DARLING!!!!!" much too loudly. Oh, how Sierra missed Summer and her bubbliness. She wouldn't admit it, but she kind of missed her loudness.

"Oh, Summy, I missed you too!" from that, Summer gave her the biggest smiles.


Oh, how Summer missed Sierra. Ever since she left London after Love Never Dies and Niamh left to do Mamma Mia, she was feeling very, very lonely. She had already planned everything out, where they were going to eat, shop, everything! She just wanted to spend some time with her dear friend while before she went back to New York.

"Okay, so first we'll..."

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