Embarrassing Stories

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✷ Gutter Ball ✷

I went bowling with my crush and some of my other friends, and when it was my turn, my ball kept getting stuck in the back, so I had to use someone else's. The holes were too small for my fingers so I grabbed it near the top instead. When I went to throw it, the ball flew backwards right at my crush! Everyone laughed. He handed me the ball and told me not to try and kill him next time. Talk about embarrassing!

✷Oh-Snapped! ✷

My brother's BFF came over and I decided to take a secret picture of him. But when I snapped the pic, I didn't realize the flash was on! He gave me the weirdest look ever and asked, "Why did you just take a picture of me?" It was so embarrassing!

✷ Bad Timing ✷

My BFF and I went shopping at Victoria’s Secret and because they had really great deals, I grabbed as much underwear as I could find. My friend kept rambling about everything going on in school, so I grabbed a bra and put it on my head and yelled, "I can't hear you!," just as my crush walked in! I panicked, and dropped all the underwear on the floor. He tried to help me pick them up, but it was so awkward! Worst day ever.

✷ Bloody Kisses ✷

I was ending a great date with my BF when we started kissing. A few days before, I injured my face, which brought on random nosebleeds. During our makeout sesh, I felt a bloody nose coming on, but when I asked him if I was bleeding, he said no. After a while more of kissing, I looked in the mirror and sure enough I did have a bloody nose! Even better, my boyfriend had blood smeared over his face and he totally freaked! The first aid kid was definitely put to use that night.

✷ Who's Your Ma'ma✷

After a wonderful date, my boyfriend and I kept sending flirty texts to each other. As the conversation went on, it became super intimate. My confidence was soaring at this point and I sent him a really juicy message, sure to throw him off his feet. When my phone alerted me that the message was sent, I realized I had accidentally sent it to his mom’s cell! Lesson learned: always double-check who you’re sending messages to!

Article By: 22TwentyTwo

This Is Me Magazine Issue SixWhere stories live. Discover now