Chapter One

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I sigh. Here begins another day in Atlanta, going to college to somehow advance my life. There's only one other important person who co exists in my crash pad of a pack den and life. Hayley, my best friend. She's your average five foot five brown hair, brown eyes girl. She's been there for me my entire life, and she's the only one who understands everything. Me however, I'm a lot different. I'm a five foot eight, brown haired blue eyed twenty year old who seriously needs to get his life together. I value my hair more than a few important things while I wouldn't let you touch my baby knife I carry in my pocket. I call cookies biscuits, which annoys the hell out of Hayley, and I'm scared of the world I'm in.

While I'm aware of this, I still know I'm a good man. I'm too compassionate, and I care too much for the wrong people even if they wouldn't think twice about stepping over me. I have a good, untainted heart as Hayley would say. This is who I am, and I've come to accept it. So, as this morning commences I can't help but groan at Hayley's shouts of our late timing.

"Tyler I'm well aware you haven't even gotten up yet! You know you're going to take forever to style your hair, and you're going to make us late," She complains from outside my locked door. I creak one eye open to catch a glimpse of the wall clock above my bedroom door. She has to be kidding me. We have thirty minutes until class starts, and Truman Hall is right around the corner.

Still, I pull myself away from my precious bed and make my way into the bathroom. One look at my hair and I rethink my ability to be done in thirty minutes.


"Oh hush I'm awake. We'll be on time don't have a panic attack."

I chuckle as she groans loudly from the other side of the door. I can't help it she doesn't understand the need to sexify this hair.

It's the same as it always is every morning at ten a.m. Hayley leaves me a few minutes before class once we talk for most of the morning. From there I get nice and cozy inside my thoughts containing him. The "him," in question stands at five foot four with deeply tanned skin, straight black silky hair, and melt worthy brown eyes. He was the subject of one of Hayley's rants on the car ride here about my infatuation with cute guy's butts. In truth, I don't stare at anyone else's but his.

Sergio makes me feel things no other guy I've crushed on has made me feel. What sucks the most is the simple fact that we've never had a conversation. How pathetic is that? I'm crushing on this amazing man, whom I have no positive clue is gay, and I'm too weird to even say hello. I sigh, huffing to my internal daydream as people filter into their seats around me.

Naturally, the few friends I've made in Psychology class fill in the seats to either side of me. I lay my head down against the top of the shared table. Today is a study day for this class because finals is approaching fast at the end of this week. The only reason I shall commence to sleep is because Hayley and I study better together rather than separately. Therefore today is donned almighty Tyler's nap day.

"Hey Tyler. Would you mind helping me study? I know you prefer to study alone, but I need some help man."

The voice makes my body go stiff in its napping position. It isn't Hayley showing up unannounced like she sometimes does, nor any of my other friends. It is Sergio, thou who has the glorious bosom. I literally restrain myself from snapping my head up and blushing furiously. Here in front of me is Sergio Heron.

At five four, this Hispanic descent man stands a few inches shorter than myself. He's leaning his toned yet lanky body onto my table giving me full view of his chest through his white V-neck. A pleading look circles in his eyes.

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