Chapter Five

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"Are you sure about this?" I ask him gently. Sergio stands outside amidst the brisk Alabama air dressed in casual Sunday best. Today I'm supposed to meet his parents. As his boyfriend. In other words, today they'll finally know the truth about him.

"It's about time they knew, don't you think?" He responds flatly. I scratch the back of my neck from the front of the car, not one hundred percent sure about anything that's going to happen in the next hour.

"I don't know. Your parent's never knew about you, Serg. What happens if they don't accept it and things go south? I don't want you in pain at the hands of your parents."

I hold my hands out in reason. Sergio chuckles, leaning against his soul. I choose not to comment on the way he has his head bowed.

"Things will go south, Ty. I told you this when I brought up this trip. You still agreed to come. Are you backing out on it now an hour before the dinner?"

I rush forward to take hold of his shoulders between my hands, pulling him straight off the car and into my arms.

"No Sergio. I'm not. I'm going to be right there by your side, holding your hand all through this dinner. And at the end, right when we're about to drive home and we're still in your parent's driveway, I'm going to kiss you and make sure they all see."

He sighs deeply. His sweet breath fans over me as his lips part. I press mine to his, feeling his stress melt away beneath my touch. Sergio begins to shake, almost as if he's sobbing. I lift him away to check, but he presses his head down harder against my shoulder.

"I'm scared Tyler. I'm scared they won't accept me for who I am. My father was a hard man my entire life; he always wanted me to do the more manly things like football or joining a band. He's the main one I'm scared of because I'm afraid he's going to hurt you once he finds out."

I hold him a bit tighter, hoping if I keep him closer the fear will slip away. To no avail he continues to shake.

"You don't need to worry about me. I can handle your old man while still remaining respectful and peaceful. How about this. If you feel afraid at any time during this dinner, and you believe we need to book it out of there that moment, you squeeze my hand and we'll go. Alright?"

Sergio nods against me solemnly. I lean against his Soul now, holding him against me and rubbing circles onto his back.

"Shall I drive?" I murmur into his ear. Sergio nods, and lifts himself from me. I open the passenger side door for him, pecking his cheek before shutting him in. I take my place behind the wheel. He reaches for my hand when I lay it over the console.

"What's your favorite thing about family?" I ask randomly to take him out of his little world.

"The love," He responds, a bitter edge to his tone. "The love you have with them that no one can take away. My mother holds that love for me. My father I'm not so sure about."

I smile a little at the mention of his mother. Sergio's quite fond of the woman. He showed me a photo of her on his cellphone once before. He takes a lot of his physical features from her, and his personality.

"You know I don't have a favorite thing, but love sounds about right. That and the food."

Sergio bursts out in uncontrolled laughter.

"I love that sound," I comment, taking a turn down a country road according to the GPS instructions.

"I believe my mother will like you," Sergio comments quietly. I glance over to see him staring at me intently.

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