What's Up?

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(Trinity's P.O.V-) Hey everyone, Trinity is back in the house! As you can see, it's been about 6 months since Carlos and I first met and it is going great! Both me and Carlos are now 15 and even skipped our Sophomore year of high school due to our level of intelligence and we're now both in the same grade as Mal, Evie, and Jay, who are all, by the way, 17 as of now. Right now, it's the end of March and Mal's birthday just passed, it was the 13th.

Carlos has gotten better at playing tourney and is even sweeter than chocolate! He's learned how to become more like an Auradonian and less like an Isle of the Lost-ian, or a villain (not like he ever really was like a villain). Some people still look at him, Mal, Evie, and Jay like they're monsters, but they don't really care any more.

Speaking of monsters, Maleficent has been put in jail and has been declared by King Ben and her daughter, Mal, to never be released. Good thing, too. THAT MONSTER COULD'VE KILLED ME, FOR HEAVENS SAKE! She deserves it!

Anyway, for the current relationship status, Mal and Ben are still dating and are more in love than ever! And no, not because of a love cookie, in case you're wondering.

Jay began dating Audrey about a week after the coronation and so far, things are going smoothly between them.

Doug and Evie are doing great, too. They can't get enough of each other, especially Doug!

In fact, Lonnie and Chad have suspiciously been hanging out more than usual and Lonnie even talks about Chad a lot more, too. I don't exactly ship them yet, but personally, I think that she's too good for him. And I swear, if he ever so much as rubs her the wrong way even once, he is so gonna get the beat down from the one and only Trinity!

The only one of us that isn't technically in a relationship is Jane. She did have the decency to tell me that she does like someone, but she wont tell me who it is. Maybe she just doesn't want the word to get out. If that's the case, then I totally understand her point.

And as for Carlos and I, things could only get better from here. People still bully the both of us and criticize me for even talking to him in the first place, but we don't care. Hater's gonna hate, hate, hate!

Unfortunately, during this time period, my old pet frog, Monte Gras, passed on into little froggy heaven. When I came back to my dorm after school one day about two months ago, I came by to check on him and he was just lying there, so I thought that he was just sleeping.

I left and came back later that day from another date with Carlos and he was still 'asleep'. It was time for his dinner and he had barely touched his food, so I started to try and wake him up by shaking him. I started getting scared and I started to shake him faster and he still didn't budge as I began to start crying, realizing what happened. After a few minutes of me crying, I called Carlos and he came rushing to my side to comfort me before I could even finish my sentence over the phone. The day afterwards, Carlos, Mal, Evie, Jay, Doug, Lonnie, Jane, Ben, and I put Monte' into a shoe box and sent him off down the bayou river in which he was born and where I found him in.

Even though Jay and Mal questioned a few times why it was such a big deal for me to be doing this with a frog, I still stayed positive and tried to be happy throughout the rest of the week, even though on the inside, I was bawling until my eyelids were flooding with tears due to the loss of my best friend. Animal best friend, that is.

Things have been a bit different lately without him, but I know that even though I miss him a lot, he's in a much better place now. Besides that little mishap, though, things have been going absolutely supercalifragalisticexpialidosious! Carlos was actually planning on taking me out on another date tonight while Audrey was out and about with Jay, so he should be here any min-

"Knock-knock. Where's my beautiful, little waterlilly?" he said and walked into my dorm quietly. I tried to tell you he'd be here any minute.

"Hey, Carlos." I said as I walked over to him and gave him a hug and a kiss which he returned. "How've you been? Anything new happen lately between you and Jay since yesterday?" I asked as he stared into my bright green eyes with his deep chocolate brown, not taking his focus off of me for one, split second. He had me embraced in a tight hug and I was resting my head on his chest, looking up at him. I always felt so safe whenever I was close to him like this.

"Not really, besides the fact that all he talks about is Audrey now. Is it any better with you and her?" he asked.

"Besides the fact that all she talks about is Jay now and that she and most of the school isn't treating me any better than how Cinderella used to be treated, yeah it's a whole lot better." I said sarcastically and looked away in frustration.

"Don't let her get you down. She'll open her eyes sooner or later." he said and turned my head back around with his hand.

"Considering her mother's history, I don't think so." I said as we both laughed.

"Come on, we should probably get going." he said and took me by the hand as we walked out into the hallway and off to the diner to have a fancy lunch together for the rest of the afternoon.

Descendants Fanfiction: A Carlos de Vil Love Story - I Love You Sequel - How Could He?Where stories live. Discover now