Jay Seems . . . Different

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Today was just an ordinary day. I was in a good mood, Carlos was in a good mood, nothing could be better. During the past week, however, Audrey had been complaining to me about how Jay could be a real pain in the neck sometimes. I'll give it to her, he was a pain, but I knew that past all that, he has a true heart of gold. Sure, he can be a bit self centered and brash sometimes, but he's a really good, kind, tough-

"BWAAAHHHH AAHHHH! WHHHY?!" Audrey cried, running into our dorm with rivers of tears pouring out of her eyes as she buried her face into her pillow and bawled like there was no tomorrow.

"Audrey, Audrey, what's wrong?" I asked as she sat up in her bed quickly as she looked at me with red eyes and an angry face.

"Do I look like I want your help?!" she yelled as she punched me in the face. "GET OUT!" she screamed as I ran out the door, keeping my hand over my eye, where she punched me. I ran over to the boy's dorm crying and I looked over to see only Jay standing there with something in his hand. When he saw me, he instantly put what ever was in his hand in his back pocket and ran up to me and lead me into the bathroom to help me with my eye.

"Trinity, how did you get like this?" he asked using a wash cloth to help me with my eye.

"Audrey. She ran into our dorm crying so I asked her what was wrong and she punched me in the eye!" I said as he looked down.

"Here, you can put this on to try and cover up your eye." he said as he gave me his Auradon Prep baseball cap that he bought (or possibly stole) from the gift shop and I put it on.

"I wonder what made her so sad and angry." I said as he just sighed deeply.

"Uh, I think I know why she's mad." he said as I looked up at him.

"Why? Did you do something to her?" I asked.

"Well, not exactly. I kind of . . . broke up with her." he said as I looked at him surprised.

"Wow, Jay. I'm speechless." I said as he walked me over and sat me down on his bed as he explained why he broke up with her. Apparently, she was constantly flirting with other boys, including Chad and Ben, and it made him jealous. So, since he didn't want to have to keep on getting into fights and arguments with her, he decided to just end their relationship altogether.

"Oh, Jay. I'm so sorry." I said and gave him a hug.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Carlos asked as Dude ran in and instantly jumped up on my lap.

"Oh, uh, sorry, Carlos. I was just giving Jay a quick hug to make him feel better since he just broke up with Audrey." I said as he walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder as he sat down on Jay's bed with us.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, man." Carlos said as he began to look at me strangely.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him as I looked down so that he wouldn't see my eye.

"Trinity, why are you wearing Jay's baseball cap?" he asked as he took it off and lifted up my head and looked at my black eye. "Who did this to you?!" he asked through gritted teeth, implying that he was angry.

"Um, I slipped and fell." I tried to lie, even though I'm terrible at lying.

"No you didn't! Who did this to you?!" he nearly yelled as Jay couldn't take it anymore.

"Carlos, it was Audrey. She got mad 'cause I broke up with her. When she got back to their dorm, Trinity saw her crying and asked her what was wrong and she punched her in the face out of anger because of me." he said as Carlos looked at me as I started crying as he immediately gave me a hug.

"Oh, I'm sorry for yelling at you Trinity. I just hate it when people mess with you." he said as I pulled away so that I could see his face. "Can you see out of that eye?" he asked as he examined it closer.

"Yeah, it's just a bit blurry, but I can still see." I said as he stood up off of the bed.

"Look, you know what? To lift our spirits, I'm gonna go down to the dining hall and get some sweets for us. I'll be right back." he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and got up and left.

Once Carlos shut the door, Jay turned to me.

"Trinity, listen, I was saving these for dinner, but you can have them, you know, to help get your mind off the pain." he said as he handed me two chocolate chip cookies in a small plastic bag.

"Oh, thanks, Jay." I said as I took a bite out of one. All of the sudden I started to feel strange. I started to feel like, I just wanted to be with Jay for the rest of my life. I still had strong feelings for Carlos, but I also was beginning to have strong feelings for Jay.

"How are they?" he asked smirking.

"Um, they're good, they're great, they're amazing!" I said as I began to slowly look up at him. "Just like you." I said as he pulled me closer towards him.

"No, just like you." he said and began to kiss me. Even though he was rough, unlike Carlos who was always gentle and soft when he kissed me, he still kept it at a steady pace. Our kiss turned into a make out session and after about 5 minutes, I pulled away from him before Carlos came back in.

"Oh, hey, Carlos." I said as he walked up to me and put my plate of beignets on my lap and gave Jay some fruit, and he had a simple plate of chocolate cake. Of course.

I began eating my beignets as he looked down and noticed that I was holding one of the cookies that Jay gave me, and the bag that they came in.

"Oh, Trinity, you didn't tell me that you had cookies." he said and picked up the one that was still in the bag. "But why is it sparkling?" he asked as he looked at the cookie, then at me, then at Jay.

I wasn't really paying attention to Carlos, all I could do was keep my eyes on Jay.

"OH. MY. GOODNESS! Jay, did you give Trinity these?" he asked as Jay looked at him.

"Uh, maybe, why?" he said as Carlos got super angry and lunged at him. He just went for it! He was punching him, kicking him, slapping him, pulling his hair, scratching him, and anything else that he could've possibly done to hurt him. I think he even bit him once! I started to get really scared and pulled him off of Jay.

"Carlos, why did you do that?!" I asked as he was lying on top of me since I had pulled him off of Jay from behind.

"Don't you see, he gave you the love cookies!" he said and I didn't really know what he was talking about.

"Okay, but that's no reason to just jump on top of him while trying to beat him up!" I said as he got up and started pacing back and forth.

"Oh man! Oh man, oh man, OH MAN!" he said as he just stopped and looked directly at Jay. "What the heck Jay? Trinity and I were dating, and now you just come between us like this! What is wrong with you?!" he yelled as Jay looked back at him.

"Dude, you already knew that I liked her, so I took Mal's book, made the cookies, broke up with Audrey to be with Trinity, and now, she can date both of us!" he said and smiled.

"Yeah, Jay's right, Carlos. You both have me, what more could you want?" I asked as I sat down beside Jay.

"No, he is not right! Everything was perfect when I was dating you, and Jay was dating Audrey, but now everything's an entire disaster! I've got to go get Mal!" he said as he ran out of the room.

I just wish that he could just accept the fact that I love both him and Jay now. I understand he might have to get used to sharing me with Jay, but it might take some time for him to adjust.

Descendants Fanfiction: A Carlos de Vil Love Story - I Love You Sequel - How Could He?Where stories live. Discover now