Where's The Spell Book?

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After Carlos sprinted out of the room to go find Mal, Jay and I spent the whole 5 minutes alone, in his room, doing nothing, but making out. It was until Carlos came back with Mal and Evie that we stopped and when they saw us making out. I swear, Mal almost barfed, Carlos looked like he was about to cry, and Evie was just surprised out of her mind.

"What are you looking at? I don't look at you that way when you're making out with your boyfriends." I said to the girls.

"That's because first of all, we don't let people see us make out, and two, we don't even make out this often." Mal said making an annoyed face.

"Wow, this love spell is messing with her personality, too." Evie whispered to Mal.

"So, Carlos, can you explain to me how this happened again?" she asked walking up to me while facing Carlos.

"Okay, so Trinity got punched in the eye by Audrey because she was mad that Jay broke up with her. That's how she got a black eye. Then, since Jay pretended to be sad that he had to break up with Audrey, I decided to go down to the dining hall to get some snacks for us and to try and lift our spirits up. When I came back, I noticed that Trinity was just staring at Jay weirdly and she had a bag with a cookie in it. I examined the cookie and it turned out to be one of the love spell cookies. The same kind that you made for Ben." he said through gritted teeth while staring daggers at Jay the whole time.

"Guys, it's not that big of a deal. I truly don't understand why Carlos is so mad at Jay. Why can't you just except the fact that you have to share me with Jay now?" I asked while walking over to him.

"Because, you were supposed to be mine and only mine! And you have no idea how hard I'm trying to not literally rip Jay's face off right now!" he shouted and started to speed walk towards Jay while making a fist.

"Carlos, Carlos, listen, lets not try and rip anyone's face off. No matter how much he deserves it." Evie said holding Carlos back while looking at Jay angrily.

"Okay, all I need is my spell book so I can find the reverse spell and everything will be put back to normal." Mal said as she was about to walk out of the room to go get her spell book.

"Actually, Mal, that wont be necessary." Jay said making a smirk.

"And why is that, Jay?" Mal asked crossing her arms.

"Because, I've hidden your spell book. Somewhere you'll never find it." he said as she tried to lunge at him, but was held back by Evie and I while Carlos stood aside chuckling.


"I told you, somewhere you'll never find it." he said as Mal broke free, but she wasn't trying to beat him up anymore.

"Fine, you know what? Be that way. Lets look around the room and see if we can find it ourselves." she said as she, Evie, and Carlos started to scout around the room to find the spell book.

-----------------------------(Two hours later)------------------------------

"Mal, it's been two hours. I don't think we're going to find that book anytime soon." Evie moaned leaning up against the wall.

"I suppose you're right, E." she sighed and walked over to Jay. "If I don't get that book back in less than a week, you're dead." Mal said making a fist as Jay just scoffed and she stormed out of the room angrily.

"Jay, I just want you to know that you're making a big mistake. Open your eyes now, before you get hurt. I'm serious, I don't know how long Carlos can hold his temper, I've never seen him this mad before. Just think about what I said, okay? See ya." Evie said and trailed after Mal.

"Well, I've got to go, too. I hope that Audrey's over her whole breakdown. I could be in some serious trouble when I get over there. And please, try not to get into any fights throughout the rest of the day. Bye guys." I said and gave both of them a kiss on the cheek and left the two alone.

(Jay's P.O.V-) As soon as Trinity left, I simply turned around and standing right behind me was Carlos with a bright red face and he looked like he was a piece of dynamite, just waiting to explode.

"Uh, yes, can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"I hope you're happy." he said as tears started to stream out of his face. "Everything was perfect. I had a beautiful girlfriend and I found my first best friend, and that was Trinity and only Trinity. She means everything in the world to me and I can't imagine losing her. Now, if we can't fix this, all of that is going to be lost forever. And it's gonna be all you're fault!" he said and ran out of the room bawling. Well, I never thought of it that way. He must be really upset. W-Wait, what am I saying?! Carlos should be just as happy as Trinity and I are and that's final. If he keeps complaining about how different Trinity is from now on, I might just go Viper snake on him! He's really getting on my nerves!

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