Meeting Freddie

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About two days after Ben, Mal, Evie, and Audrey turned up missing, I finally found them in the dining hall. I was getting some chocolate cake for Carlos and I to share in my dorm during a movie we were watching on my portable D.V.D player that he got me for my birthday. However, when I found them, they were with another girl who I've actually never seen before. She was African-American, like me, she had yellow eyes, and long black hair with grey highlights in two pigtails. She was complaining about why the food looked the way it did for some reason.

"What is all this frou-frou stuff? I don't want any glazed this, or sprinkled that." she said as I walked up to her to see if I could persuade her.

"Are you serious?! You don't want any of this?! Just take a deep breath in and your whole perspective will change. Trust me." I said as she did as I told her to. Suddenly, a big grin came across her face.

"Okay, give me some of that puffed deliciousness!" she said and began taking nearly everything that she could get her hands on. "Mmm, yummy!" she said with food still in her mouth.

"Oh, what's that? Yeah, I can't hear you over the 'puffed deliciousness'." Mal said quoting what the girl said.

"By the way, I'm Trinity, daughter of Tiana and Naveen." I said and shook her hand.

"Really? I'm Freddie Facilier, daughter of Dr. Facilier. You might have heard of him." she said as my eyes went wide with excitement.

"Wow! You must be from the Isle of the Lost, then. I've always wanted to meet Dr. Facilier's kid, even if our parents are sworn enemies. It's nice to meet you, Freddie. Before you came along, I was nearly the only African-American here at Auradon Prep and since we have such history with each other through our parents, I'm pretty sure we'll get along pretty well, hopefully." I said as she returned the warm welcome with a smile, but it didn't really look like a smile. It actually kind of startled me. "Um, what are you doing?" I asked uneasily while slowly backing away from her.

"She's just now learning how to smile." Evie explained as I walked up to her and the others, leaving Freddie to continue her feast of sweets.

"Also, I wanted to talk to you guys. Where did you guys go? Carlos and I were looking everywhere for you. We were really getting worried, you know." I said relieved that I had finally found them.

"Well, Mal rubbed Jordan's lamp then she wished that she could go back home so then we all got teleported to the Isle of the Lost, then we ran into Freddie at her voo-doo stand, then Mal wished us all into Jordan's lamp, then we ran into Jordan during her cooking web-show where we got these cute, new outfits, then she wished us out of the lamp and we all came back here." Evie said quickly all in one breath, completely exhausted.

"Uh, okay. Well, I have to get back to my dorm, Carlos and I were watching a movie on my portable D.V.D player since he just got off of tourney practice and I have to take these plates of chocolate cake back up to him, so I'll see you guys later." I said as they all said goodbye to me as I walked away. I walked all the way back up to my dorm with both pieces of cake. As I opened the door, I could hear slight snoring coming from the inside.

"Carlos is that you?" I asked him, whispering, and sure enough, it was. 

Everyday after tourney practice he gets a shower and usually comes straight to my dorm to spend time with me unless he has something else to do. But today, he decided to take a shower in MY dorm and hop on MY bed to relax for a couple hours. I don't have a problem with it, I'm just making a simple point. I guess he was so exausted he decided to take a quick nap while I went to go get the cake. Like I wouldn't notice.

He was lying on my bed shirtless with his jersey shorts still on, snoring lightly with his mouth closed. He looked so cute this way! I decided to turn off the D.V.D player and lay down on my bed with him. I kissed him on the forehead as he started to stir a bit and flutter his eyes open.

"Hmm? Wha- oh hey, T." he said and gave me a kiss.

"Hi. I see that tourney practice got the best of you today, didn't it? You were so tired, you kinda ditched the movie." I said and slightly giggled.

"Yeah. You have no idea how much it takes out of me. I don't know how Jay can play tourney like that every other day and never get tired!" he said as we both laughed and laid there in silence for a few moments.

"Hey Trinity?" he asked me.

"Yes?" I responded.

"How . . . well . . ." he started to say, but couldn't make up the words to say it.

"Carlos, is something wrong?" I asked looking scared and worried.

"Do you think we'll always be like this?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked and sat up completely on the bed. "Why? Do you think that there's something wrong between us?"

"No, it's just . . . I mean, . . . being with you is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me." he began. "And it's really fun being with you, too. We hang out, we go on dates, we do stupid stuff with our friends." he said laughing a bit at the end. "But . . . But will it last forever?" he asked as I had to think for a moment. "And . . . do we want it to last forever?" he asked again, leaving me confused. "If we break up somewhere along the way, you might find someone else, have a family of your own, the same for me." he said looking down. "You know, move on. Marriage, job, kids, all that stuff."

"Yeah, adulthood, pretty much. But, if that time comes, we'll still be friends right?" I asked a bit worried.

"Well, that's what I'm worried about." he said and looked up at me. "When, or if, I should say, that time comes . . . we wont be this close anymore, or even worse, not close at all." he said and laid back down on the bed. "I like this life." he said and went silent for a moment. "And I love being with you. But I'm not sure if we're gonna-" he said as I crawled on top of him and cut him off by shushing him with my finger.

"Shhhh. You worry too much, Carlos. Think about it, we're closer than ever now. We do boyfriend/girlfriend things together, we get along great with each other, we never argue. Heck, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be sitting here right now! You saved my life, and I am beyond eternally grateful for that. But I'm not just grateful for that, Carlos . . . I'm grateful because I'm lucky enough to have such a loyal, thoughtful, cute, and smart boyfriend like you! We've always been this close ever since the day we met. Our relationship is a huge commitment, one that we'll never forget." I said and kissed the tip of his nose. "Of course we'll always be together, we're BFF's, whether we're dating or not." I said as he just stared at me. "Why are you so worried, anyway?" I asked and just he sat there, motionless. All of the sudden, he just instantly gave me a hug.

"Trinity, I have friends all over Auradon Prep . . ." he said and began to cry softly as I felt his hot tears soak into my shirt and onto my shoulders. "But you're the only best friend and girlfriend I have, and possibly, ever will have." he said which melted my heart as small tears started to silently flow out of my eyes. "I don't want to lose you. I nearly lost you to Maleficent, and I don't want that to happen again. I love you too much to lose you again." he said, his voice cracking.

"I don't want to lose you, either, Carlos."


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