What Should We Do?

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(Evie's P.O.V-) After Mal and I left Carlos in our dorm, we headed straight for the library. Mal basically dragged me down there. I didn't really want to go there in the first place. It's not that I didn't want to help Carlos and Trinity through this, and that I'm on Jay's side either. Trust me, I'm mad at him just as much as everyone else is, besides Carlos. He's beyond furious with him. It's just that I didn't want to get caught up in the middle of the whole situation. Apparently, Mal feels the same way, but I think that she's just super cranky that Jay wont give her spell book back to her.

"Come on, Evie! The sooner we find this anti-love spell, the sooner Carlos will be out of our dorm loosing half of his body fluid crying." she said loudly as she pushed through the doors of the library. She dragged me by the arm all the way to the back of the library to where the science section was.

"How about we both go in different directions and when one of us finds the right book, we'll come find one another." I said as she simply nodded her head and we both went in different directions. I was searching quickly, but on my own time. After about 10 minutes, Mal found me and had about 15 books in her hands. "M, what the heck? We do not need all of these books." I whispered as she gave me about 7 of the books and she carried the rest.

"Well, I just figured in case one of them doesn't work, we could just go right to the next one." she said as we checked out the books and headed straight for the science lab. Once we got there, there was no one there except for, you guessed it, Doug. When he heard the door swing open, he immediately looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, h-hi guys, I was just looking at a type of spell I'm trying to make. What are you doing here?" he asked as I gave him a hug and a kiss.

"Same as you, we're trying to find an anti-love spell for Trinity so she can be with Carlos instead of Jay." I said as his face lit up.

"I am, too! Maybe we could work together to find a solution!" Doug said as Mal and I agreed.

"So, what do have you have started?" Mal asked and looked at the test tube with the liquid in it.

"Well, I tried looking in one of the science books from the library, and in the very back of the shelf, I found this." he said and handed me a very heavy, dusty, old book as I fell to the ground as soon as he dropped it into my hands. I've never exactly been the strongest out of the bunch. "Ooh, sorry, Evie. Here, let me help you." he said as he picked it back up and set it back on the table.

"Out of all of those books in the library, you chose this one?" Mal asked raising an eyebrow.

"It looked promising to me." he said as I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Seriously, Doug? That thing is like a bajillion years old! I bet Merlin the legendary wizard used to own that thing when he was little!" I said as he opened it up and flipped a few pages.

"Here's a good spell! Zimma-zot Radditot," he began the spell.

"Doug, what exactly does that spell do?" I asked as he ignored me and continued.

", Kazort-Ni!" he finished as a bunch of green smoke appeared making us all cough. When the smoke cleared, Doug was gone!

"D-Doug?" I called nervously.

"I'm right here, Evie." I heard Doug say, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

"But, I don't see you." I said as I felt someone or something grab my hand. "M, is that you?" I asked Mal, terrified, only to see that she was standing on the other side of the table.

"Is what me?" she asked as I looked down to see a clear hand figure wrapped around my hand.

"Hi!" Doug's voice said in my ear as I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to run out of the room, but the door wouldn't open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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