Chapter 3

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A whole month passed by since our assignement and Kelly kept telling me that Christopher really likes me and he would deffinetely have a relationship with me.

It was Sunday evening and my friend Amy called me and told me to go out for dinner with some of my classmates and friends. I wasn't really in the mood because my 3rd day hair didn't actually behave and looked like a lot gressier but I went with it anyways.When we were close to the restaurant our friend Ellie stopped us to say hi and I could see that in our table was Christofer!And this is where the nightmare stars darlings...

I was a lot of nervous when I got inside and I just looked him in his brown/ black eyes and greeted him. It was a lot awkward,because he did not talked to me the whole night,I talked to him once because I was waiting for him to come to me but he didn't. Actually he wasn't paying a lot of attention to me at all. He was talking to Sandi and Cece (Cece is The Evil Bitch as I love to call her. We were best friends since Junior High,but she was a bitch [and still is] and I couldn't handle her anymore. Then she started hating me and got the duty of turning everyone against me and lots of people don't like be but I don't give a shit anymore and that's what I had to do from the veeery beginning)

Then when I got home I started crying because I felt brokenhearted and thought that no one was going to like me some day...

The days passed and I was a mess,I was looking like I was crying all night but it wasn't like that,I was just not feeling good with myself. And then Kelly came to me 2 days later...

At first she told me that things got well and Christofer liked me and he would like to have a realtionship with me! 10 hours later she told me that he changed his mind and didn't want to have a realtionship with me because he wouldn't feel it...that fucking liar lied to me! He was into someone else and just couldn't be a man and grow some balls!

But things didn't go the way I thought they would be;I wasn't crying,I was just making some comments about his behaviour and that was all. I didn't care anymore and felt nothing for him. I only hated him and no one could blame me about that!

Sooo 2 weeks after the dinner with him,The Evil Bitch approached me and told me that she wanted to talk to me. I instantly thought that it had something to do with Amy and me,because we had a huge argument about someone she was in love with,but he was 8 years older and had a girlifriend and she couldn't accept it. Sooo she got mad at me and started hanging out with Cece(The Evil Bitch) and kept telling me that she was such a nice girl and that she had changed a lot. Bullshit _|_

Then the bomb fell...

"So what do you want to talk about?" I said
"Well,do you mind if I get to know Christofer better?"

And since that moment ladies and gentlemen and for the next 9 months,my life turned upside down because of her

Hiii guys! Long time,no see :-/ I have to apologize,because I have school and things are pretty difficult but I wanted to update for you♡ Anyways,hope you like it..!


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