Chapter 5

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The weeks passed pretty fast and Cece's birthday/nameday party was tonight. The things I had to do today were easy.I had to;

•Clean my room

•Go at my volleyball practice

•Take a long but not so long(I'm a weirdo sometimes..! ☺)bath

•Straighten my hair

•Eat something healthy cuz I don't want my stomach to be looking awfully fat...

Well here's the thing; 9 months ago,I was a little fatter. My legs and stomach actually. Everyone around me was lecturing me that I have to lose weight and that I'm fat.And I was affected so much by their words that I was hurting myself=making myself throw up. I did it sometimes,but then I stopped it... :/ Anyways,back to my "to do"list!

Wear something nice because Phillip was going to be there tonight.(Things were great with Phillip actually!We've been texting every night since the beginning of April {now it's April 16}..!)


After my exhausting volleyball practice,I went back home and saw one of my mom's friend,Jennifer. I haven't seen her since last year and I was really happy to see her! She doesn't live in our town,so it is difficult to be seeing her almost every month!

After a long(but not so long)shower,I started getting ready for Cece's party.Even thought I hated her for what she had asked me,I didn't want to miss her party...I straightened my hair,then got dressed and applied a light makeup; I only used some mascara,bronzer and lipstick.I wanted to have a light makeup for tonight because we were going to be dancing all night long and I was going to sweat and didn't want to end up looking like a clown and making Phillip terrified of me...

As I was putting my favourite perfume,the bell rang and it was Amy.She was supposed to come at my place and go together at Cece's house.We took some photos and then went to get Mia.


When we arrived there were people in and out the house and I can assure you that there were a lot of them! I didn't know many of them because they were not from our high school and many of them didn't even live here! Anyways,we went inside and found her to wish her happy birthday/nameday and give her her present.I bought her a T-shirt,which was blue(it is her favourite colour)and had a quote on it;"Say hello to your queen" I didn't really like the T-shirt when I bought it and I was thinking about adding the word "bitch" before queen but I wanted to be a better a person,so I didn't! And bellieve me,I had the guts to do it!

At first I didn't really like it because everyone was sitting on the sofas(me too) and was eating from the food that was served(which I hated!Everything was cold and the meat had a weird taste,so I prefered to drink soda and have a tiny amount of pasta salad),or taking pictures.I,on the other hand,was checking my phone and having a conversation with Eva about school,then clothes,places that we wanna visit around the world etc.Then my favourite part came;dancing!! Almost everyone was dancing and it was a chance to dance with hansome boys and meet new girls! We were dancing for a long time 'till the first ones started leaving at 1 am and then someone had the idea of playing spin the bottle,a game I didn't ever had second thoughts of not playing it! I hated that game,because;

1)Everyone thought that was kissing perfect

2)I didn't want to have my first kiss with someone I didn't even know or like! (Yes ladies and gentlemen,I am 16 years old and I've never kissed anyone,nor had a boyfriend!)

Anyways,I was sitting on the sofa with Phillip,while they were playing that game and I was trying to pay attention to him because he was talking to me but I was so tired and just...couldn't!Sooo,after half an hour of watching them kissing each other,I called my mom to come and get me.

When I went back home,I put on my comfy pajamas and remove my make up.Then,when I layed in bed,Phillip had sent me a message and we texted for a while but I said quickly goodnight to him because I was sooo tired that I could feel my eyes burning...

Sooo tonight's conclusion:Even though I hated Cece,she treated me well and we were dancing together.For some time tonight,she was sad because Kelly had told her that Christofer was into someone else and I was sad for her,because no one deserved that,and thought that I shouldn't hate her so much...or maybe should I...?


Hello people!!Sooo here's a new chapter!This is the biggest I've written and I really hope you like it!See u soon ♥


Nina ♥♥♥

The actual life of a Brokenhearted TeenagerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon