part 5

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When I woke up next morning, I had a huge hangover. I decided to get dressed and go out for a walk. I decided to walk to Camp Nou, maybe Marc is training I thought. When I arrived I saw that no one was there. I took a seat at one of the benches outside Camp Nou and sat there for a while when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young man standing there. 'Can I sit next to to you?' he asked. 'ofcourse' I said. 'What is your name?' the man asked. ' I am Jane, who are you?' I asked. 'My name is Cesc, I am a player of Barcelona' Cesc said. 'Do you have practise today?' I asked. 'No, not today. I just needed to get some stuff out of my locker' Cesc said. 'Why are you sitting here so alone?' Cesc asked. 'I went for a walk and got tired' I lied. I didn't want Cesc to know I came for Marc. 'Would you like to grab a coffee with me?' Cesc asked. 'Yeah sure,I'd like that' I said.

We had a coffee and exchanged numbers. 'Cesc is such a nice guy' I thought to myself. In the next three weeks Cesc and I went out a couple of times and he feels like a brother to me. I was laying on the couch when my phone rang. 'Hey Jane, it's me Cesc. I would like to ask you if you would come to a party with me. One of my best friends has his birthdayparty tonight and we are going out for dinner. You can take Lisa with you if you like' Cesc said. 'U

yeah sure, who is the birthday boy?' I asked. 'Marc Bartra, he is turning 21' Cesc said. At that moment my heart skipped a beat..

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