March 28, 2011 6:02 P.M.

104 0 0

Do I really have feelings for you? 

or do I just like the way you look?

The way you make me feel?

The way you act?

The way you make me laugh?

How it feels when you touch me,

in the most innocent meaning of the phrase?

The way you and I have so much in common?

The way I can talk to you about anything?

The way you're so confident?

The way that you're only shy and timid when we're alone?

The way that we can be ourselves together?

or is it just the way you are?

But if it's just the way you are, 

then doesn't that mean I am interested?

That I do have feelings for you?

Here we go again with me dancing with my own confusion.

Shut Your Eyes (February 2011 - August 2011)Where stories live. Discover now