So this is how it ends.

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Cheers to a new life,

a long ride from the past,

awaiting last at the back

of my mind. 

I'll never forget it.

Never will I let the sleepless nights,

and endless internal pleading to be loved back

slip my memories.

It's all over now.

But I'll remeber how this didn't make any sense,

but enough to change the perspective of myself and thoughts.

For that was my goal anyway,

to find myself.

Funny how I'm still lost, ain't it?

How can I find the end,

if I didn't even know where to start?

But this isn't the end,

not the inevitable goodbye I'll face later on.

This simply is,

"See you later." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2011 ⏰

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