Chapter One:

15 1 0

Jade's POV:


I looked over to my bed-side table and grabbed my iPhone 4s and read the message on the screen.

'To: Jade,

Hey! Do you wanna hang out today? x :)

From: Sammy.'

I smiled and quickly answered to my Best-Friend, Sammy.

'To: Sammy,

Sure, where? c: x

From: Jade.'

I quickly put my phone down on my bed, where I was sitting, and got up to choose a better outfit since before-hand I had no plans for today. I walked over to my walk-in-closet and got out my black high waisted shorts - As it was super hot outside - and my plain white tank-top.

I grabbed my black and white Vans and quickly got dressed, seeing as I already had a shower a couple of hours ago. I put my hair into a fish-tail braid and grabbed my phone to check my messages,

'To: Jade,

Is Forever 21, okay? Around 1:00 PM?

From: Sammy.'

I quickly looked above the message, as I was still on my lock screen, 12:50. I unlocked my phone and replied back,

'To: Sammy,

Sure :) See you then.

From: Jade.'

I locked my phone and put it in my purse, making my way to my vanity table, putting on only a bit of my mascara, foundation and a tiny bit of lip-gloss seeing as I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I walked downstairs, my purse in hand. I sat down on the couch and got out my phone to check the time but instead I saw a DM from one of my followers on twitter. I quickly unlocked my phone, putting in my password before reading the message,

'@Singer_boy1: Hello :)'

Hmm, I debated in my mind if I should send a reply. He seemed nice enough, even if it was a simple 'hi', but what if he was trying to lure me in? What if he was some crazy psychopath? Then again, I did want to find out exactly who he was and why he was messaging me. I wasn't going to reply but my curiosity got the better of me,

'@Itz_Me: Umm Hi...?' I sent back, unsure of what to write.

'@Singer_boy1: :/ I didn't think you would have replied :)'

'@Itz_Me: Huh, neither did I... :) But why did you message me?'

'@Singer_boy1: I actually don't know, I was going through my followers and your name stood out, I wanted to get to know you better, btw I promise I am not some psychopathic stalker. ;)'

Wow, umm ok then ?

'@Itz_Me: Ookayy then... :/ Sorry, But I have to go, my friend and I are going shopping.'

I know I was sorta being rude but, that winky face he sent creeped me out just a bit, even if it was meant as a playful joke.

'@Singer_boy1: Um, ok. Bye ? :) Talk to you soon??'

At this point I had no idea whether to actually talk to him or not. Seeing as I would never see this guy, I decided to actually take the risk of getting to know him.

'@Itz_Me: Sure :) Is tomorrow okay?'

'@Singer_boy1: Sorry, me and my band have rehearsals all day tomorrow... :( What about the day after?'

'@Itz_Me: Yeah, sure :) I don't think I'm busy... Nope. So yeah, talk to you then.'

I exited my messages and hit my home screen button. I quickly looked at the time before locking it, 1:03 PM. I wonder where Sammy was...

Soon my questions were answered when a smiling Sammy came walking through. I gave her a spare key and told her to come in whenever she wanted because we were practically sisters.

"Hellooo" She said, dragging out the 'o', someone seems happy.

I let out a light laugh, "Someone seems excited." I said. Her face turned from happy to fake hurt.

"So I don't even get a hello?" She asked pretending to wipe away a tear. I rolled my eyes at how hyper she was but laughed nonetheless.

"Hello!" I said in a fake, overly cheery voice. "So, are you ready to go?" She asked, as I simply nodded my head in reply, "Yep!" I said popping the 'p'.

She laughed and I stood up, following her out to her car.

'Who was @Singer_boy1?' Was the only question that wouldn't leave my mind.


A/N: Hey guys, sorry if they are real twitter names, I just came up with them randomly so sorry if they are yours. Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter! :) -Sharni x __________________________

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