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Its days like this that are the hardest,

the days that make you wonder why you haven't given up yet.

These are the days I suffer the most.

I remember that day so vividly, it hurts.

I keep reliving it, over and over again.

Its starting to set in that you're not coming back.

We miss you.

I want to leave, to go with you,

but.. I can't just yet.

I made a promise I intend to keep.

Its the promise I made to you..

I'm here for them.

You wouldn't want me to give up..

This is the right thing to do,


Why did you have to go?

I'm so alone..

I love you.

We love you.

This isn't goodbye.

I'll see you again someday, somehow.

I'm trying to believe that..

See you later, man.

(ON HOLD, READ BIO) I'll Be There For You.Where stories live. Discover now