5: Four years later..

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Hey, Diary. Life's gotten difficult again. Who am I kidding, it's always been difficult.

Decided it would be a good time to start one of these, it could probably help a bit. It's a distraction, I guess. Wow, what an introduction that was.

My name is Evelyn. People who matter call me Eve. I'm 16. I put in a picture of me currently.

My lips are too big, my eyes are too small, yeah yeah. Heard it all before.

My legal guardians are my mom, Julie, and my "Uncle," Jeremy/Jayy. Dad died a few years back.

Mom left to go somewhere a few weeks ago, so Jayy and my "aunt" Haley are taking care of me. I don't know when mom will be back.

I'm a band kid, since my dad and Jayy were in a band together waaay back when. 

Music has become my savior through this life adventure. I hope to make it someday.

Dad's a big inspiration. So is Jayy. They're about the only reasons I still tolerate all of the bullying.

I'm thinking about dropping out. Not much hope for me, it seems. Haley supports it.

Haley is my biggest female figure. My mom hasn't really been completely there since dad.. Y'know.

I don't have many friends my age. Not that it matters. You're born alone, you die alone. 

Guess that's about it for now. Gotta go do something nobody should ever try..

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