Hidden Identity- 10

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I jumped suddenly, my mouth covering my hands.

"Shit.... Shit shit shit oh god no" I muttered running my fingers through my hair but I kept watching, regardless.

"Watcha watching there, sweetheart" a voice whispered in my ear, making me jump again and turn instantaneously towards her.

"Nothing" I slammed the laptop shut as I turned to her, shooting her a smile, "What's brought you here on this fine night?"

"What the hell is this?" she picked up my arm suddenly and I swore, making a mental note to wear long sleeves, or at least a put that plaster back on it.

"Just a cut, I fell" I mumbled, attempting to pull it out of her grasp but she just gave me a pitying look and continued to examine it.

"And when did you get this particular cut because I am fairly sure there aren't random branches sticking out on the pavement there sweetie"

"During the day" I said vaguely, turning around my chair and getting up, stretching my back out.

"You mean you were taken out of school?" She was suddenly in front of me, stopping me dead in my tracks and raising her eyebrows.

"Um I suppose" I sighed, looking down, not really wanting to repeat the events of today.

"Why didn't you call me if you were fucking taken out of school! Jesus Christ, do you want to get killed?" She said exasperatedly, I could see the outline of her eyes rolling as she sat on my bed, crossing her legs.

"How the hell would I call you? And anyway I was fine" and I had help of my own, I added, my mind crossing to Alexis and her concern. Why did she even care?

"You have my number sweetie, and did someone help you?" She said, reading my thoughts.

"Why does it even matter!" I avoided the question expertly, "I got cut, got it stitched up and I'm fine, no big deal"

"No big deal, right of course" She sighed and stood up as if she was going to leave.

"Going somewhere?"

"Well I suppose I might as well sweetheart, I have bigger issues now that... well, bigger issues anyway and I should be letting you get back to your apparently scary tv show"

"I wasn't that scared"

"Uhuh and I'm Marilyn Monroe"

I gave her a dry look and stretched out my back, wondering if I actually wanted her to stay or not.

She was occasionally nice company believe it or not; strange, interesting and mental yes, but in some ways different was good.

"What?" she asked, her voice curious and her head cocked to one side as she apparently tried to read my expression.

"Nothing" I cleared my throat, "Um, yeah you had better be off then"

"Unless you wanted me to... stay" her voice was whispered in my ear again as she traced a hand around my jawline and I tensed, both because of her sudden movements and the movements themselves.

"I-" but she just chuckled and whispered "I'll see you later, pretty boy"

"Bye superwoman" but she had already left the room and was out of sight.


I woke up late the next morning. Apparently my alarm had been disabled; I had my guesses at who that might have been but it meant that I was going to be late for class.

Hidden Identity (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora