Hidden Identity-2

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I slid through the window to the upstairs bathroom and tiptoed around to my bedroom door. I didn't really have any reason to be quiet since my uncle never really cared where I went and I probably wouldn't follow his rules anyway.

I changed into a pair of pj shorts and a baggy tee before grabbing my black clothes and mask of the floor and hiding them in the back of my wardrobe.

I quickly fished through them to make sure everything was there.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath. "Shit shit shit..." I frantically took everything out again and searching through every seam of the outfit to try and find it. I gave up, putting everything back in my wardrobe and collapsing onto my bed in defeat.

That bitch stole my glove.


I sat in a slight daze as lights flashed around me and policemen and women searched the area and handcuffed my already unconscious attackers.

Who was that girl? Everything had just happened so quickly. I mean I was in the bar and then... I got hit? I must have, I could feel the side of my head throbbing. I lifted my hand to my head and pressed, wincing slightly at the obvious bruising.

"Excuse me sir!" an exasperated policewoman said as I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Are you alright? We need you to call a parent or guardian to take care of you whilst you go to the hospital to make sure you haven't been badly hurt"

"No, no, I'm fine seriously" I tried to get up far too quickly and became light-headed, stumbling backwards again. The policewoman raised an eyebrow at me.

"Could you grab me my mobile? It's over there on top of my backpack" she gave me a nod and passed over my phone before walking back over to two other policemen who were taking notes. I hesitated before dialling my older sister, Sarah, hearing it ring 3 times before she answered it.

"Where the hell have you been!?" she screeched into my ear. I held the phone away from me slightly, rolling my eyes.

"Well I kinda got into a bit of an accident, don't worry, I just nee-"

"A bit of an ACCIDENT? You tell me not to worry? And please don't tell me you've just run out of condoms because I will literally throw all of your clothes out into the street" I laughed at her seriousness before continuing.

"No I need an escort the the hospital"


"Just get down here" I told her the address of the place and where I was before hanging up on her. I know she was my sister and all but sometimes I swear she could be my mum.

"Is someone coming with you in the ambulance?" A tall and intimidating officer said in my direction.

"Yeah, she'll be here in a second" I stood up, making sure I didn't get a head rush and went over to wait for my sister.


"Yes, he should be all fine, just make sure that if he gets any signs of a concussion to call me right away" Some doctor told Sarah.

She knew that I wouldn't bother calling him even if started fainting so I really didn't see the point in me still being here.

"So I'm fine?" I asked, yawning.

"You should be"

"So...we can go now?"

"Yes, I think you should be all fine to leave"

My sister thanked the doctor and we both walked silently out of the very white room, back through the hallway and into the parking lot. One of the officers brought back Sarah's car and so we set off still in silence back home.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sarah said softly, not letting her eyes leave the road.

"Not really" I shrugged, "I'm fine, that's all that anyone cares about right?" she sighed but kept going.

"And your sure you have no idea who the person who saved you was?"

I didn't answer for a few moments. Putting my hand into my pocket I felt the soft leather glove I had grabbed from that girl's hand when I pulled her back that last time.

Now she had a reason to come back and see me. And believe me. I will be able to get that mask off.

I smirked slightly.

"None at all" I replied.

HEYY:) comment, vote, share- if you read it, do something!

Thanks guys:) x

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