Hidden Identity- 6

435 13 8

Blake POV 

"Wanna go somewhere quieter?" she whispered, her breath tickling my cheek and I grinned, running my hand down her thigh as she but her lip. I felt a pang of guilt. Not that I had any reason to, but it was always there.

I hooked my arms around her waist and looked over her shoulder at Alexis by the kitchen. I growled slightly as a saw who was holding her from behind. The girl in my arms grinned, thinking it was for her.

"C'mon" she winked and stood up, grabbing my hand and leading me backwards towards the quieter side of the house.

' I knew I had had a few drinks, but that wouldn't effect my decisions. Yes. I'm still fine. I'm not going to do anything stupid

I stared wide-eyed at the girl who had just stripped to her underwear in front of me. I grinned stupidly.

'Wait' My breathing became heavier as she kissed down my neck.

"No, I have a girlfriend.." I mumbled lightly, slurring my words, my thoughts becoming clouded as my mouth failed to say the words I wanted and instead, hooked themselves around the girl as my arms seemed to just push her onto the couch...

 Alexis POV 

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. After a few seconds I realised mental swearing wasn't exactly going to help me out of this situation. I felt his arm trying to make me turn around to face him, but I knew at least that strength wise, he would be the one going down.

So I guess this left me two options.  

1. Run the hell away from him. Problem was, I needed Blake to get me home and I also didn't know where the hell he was.  

2. Sweet talk my way out of it. The problem with this is that he might recognise my voice.

Oh the joys of life screwing you over.

I realised that I probably should answer him and made a split second decision.

"Hey there handsome" I grabbed hold of his arms and held them to my stomach, pulling him in closer. I don't think you realise how hard it is to flirt facing the back.

"What's your name sweetheart" his breath tickled my ear lightly, making me shiver ever so slightly. I prayed he wouldn't notice.

"uh.. Sarah, what's yours Pr- *ahem* handsome?" fuck. My good for nothing mouth almost screws up again.

"Jayden" he sounded confused, shifting slightly on the spot and trying to turn me around. I panicked.

"How bout we get some fresh air?" I said softly, leaning towards him before turning around and quickly leading him outside before he could get a good look at me.

Outside wasn't exactly a place to get fresh air around here. The wet grass fell under my feet as I avoided the countless cigarettes, burnt out and littered across the lawn.

I fell into sync with a small yet rowdy crowd of skinny bikinis and the guys who probably shouldn't be taking their tops of before lightly dropping Jayden's hand and slipping away.

Now I needed to find Blake and get the hell out of here. I slipped back into the dark and dingy main room and, avoiding the broken glass and couples on the verge of cannibalism, I searched.

'he wouldn't have left me here... Right?' I told myself. I suddenly crashed into someone who wasn't exactly sober.

"Blake!" I let out a sigh I relief as he grinned weirdly in recognition. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed his hand and pulled towards the doorway where I was stopped by a boob-tube in stilettos that could puncture a tyre.

"Get your hands of my guy, bitch" Her eyes flashed dangerously. I laughed. Her arm went up towards my face but I grabbed I and twisted it behind her back. I really had no time for this.

"Yeah, sorry Hun, but I need to go and he is my only ride home. So I'd appreciate it if you moved the fuck aside and let us get out of here" I smiled sweetly and pushed her sideways slightly.

She staggered slightly before composing herself and walking off, winking at Blake and muttering something I presumed wasn't the kindest thing anyone had ever said to me.

We got to the car, I decided to drive because, well I didn't feel like crashing into a lamppost right now.

"What on earth did you do back there Blake?" I turned a corner before looking over at him slowly regaining some sort of mental activity.

"I-dunno.." he slurred, making me laugh as he attempted to move his tongue correctly. "I-just.. Sorta.. Kissed her n-stuff" he trailed off. How much had he actually had to drink?

"You have a girlfriend Blake! For the love of god, did you think of her at all?" I said exasperatedly.

"Yes! I thought I shouldn't.... Umm... Do something.." At least he is regaining conscienceness.

My eyes widened in realisation of what he probably did.

"You didn't..." I trailed off, forgetting that he probably wouldn't catch on since he is smashed of his face. His eyes lit up in recognition though and he opened his mouth to talk before closing it again, as if thinking better of it.

"Oh Jesus"


Jayden POV 

I chucked my stuff behind the front door and slammed the door behind me. My dad knew I was going out and didn't care as long as I was back before midnight.

The clock chimed twelve times. Good timing.

I slipped upstairs and into the shower. After, I stepped out into the cold air, shivering and wondering why on earth I chose to leave it.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and ruffled my hair causing droplets to fall across the floor as I crossed the hall to my room.

I nearly did a double take when I saw her. Her slim, black covered body almost moulded into my bedspread and hid her from view. She smirked at my shocked expression.

"I'm guessing your surprised to see me" she turned sideways, leaning on her arm to face me.

"I think I'm more surprised at how you got in" I eyed the window. I was sure I had locked it. She chuckled darkly.

"I have my ways" she chucked some pants my way and I threw them on.

"A shirt maybe?" I raised an eyebrow at her. She smirked again.

"I think you'll be fine" Her eyes trailing across my chest. I grinned but still felt a little uncomfortable.

"I most definitely will be"

Come on. You would to of you had black-covered girl lying across your bed telling you that you look good without a shirt on.

She wasn't wrong though.

"Come pretty boy, sit" she ordered and I flung my legs over the side of the bed and looked at her.

She leaned into my ear, her breath sending a small shiver through my body.

"We need to have a little talk"

Heyyy! I hope you are liking my story so far, please comment and vote! It would mean so much:)

Thanks guys! x

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