Hidden Identity 5

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I slid back through the familiar yet eerie back streets, avoiding backyards and loud 80s music.

I finally reached the peeling and dull front yard to my house and in two short springs, I slithered back through my window and shut it, making it creak under the pressure.

I saw the undone and helpless homework laying across my desk, but I was too tired.

My eyelids were closing slowly and I could feel my brain shutting down for the night.

I stripped out of the jacket, mask and shoes, before collapsing onto the suddenly extremely welcoming bed.

Turning on my side, I briefly saw the blanket of darkness and peace setting in my room before sleep caught me and pulled me under.


In a way I was still in shock at what had just happened.

I took a deep breath and shook all thoughts of it out of my head. I just needed some sleep, that's all.

Yeah.. sleep. It suddenly felt like the greatest decision in the world. I free fall back onto my too big bed, letting sleep engulf me instantly.


I woke with a start.

The dream I was having, well, wasn't a great one. I ruffled my hair before yawning loudly and stepping out of bed and onto my soft carpet.

Half asleep, I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a grey v-neck, picking up my jacket off the floor and checking my phone.

7 messages.

5 missed calls

God, do people have lives outside me?

I chucked my phone into my bag. Whoever it was could wait until I stuffed some food into me.

After eating breakfast I said a quick goodbye to my mum and left the house.Dad would already be gone, I knew that. Off in his fancy cars, probably banging other high-end sluts. I cursed under my breath.

I didn't exactly have a loving relationship with my family. My dad was never home and my mum didn't care what the fuck I did, as long as I was back before she went off to get smashed out of her brains.

I like to think God at least had the kindness to make me adopted.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove to the 'Diner', turning up the music loud and tapping the side of the door. I don't think anyone actually knows what the real name for the restaurant is but it's where everyone hangs out.

I was meeting the guys there and basically just wanted to get out of the house.

The carpark was practically empty, and I realized I was here 'slightly earlier than usual.

I groaned.

Anyone I knew (or any sane person) wouldn't be her for another 20 minutes or so.

I pulled out my iPod and instead decided to block out everything by playing the Black Keys louder than the sound of the world.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I whirled around suddenly, facing the intruder to my solitude.

It was that red-haired girl from yesterday. I have got I learn her name.

"Hey cutie" I winked and leaned back on the side of the car whilst she bit her lip and leaned over to me.

"Hey babe" She leaned closer and pecked me on the cheek. Cute.

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