Hidden Identity- 8

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I am so so so sorry for such a late update, I have been caught up in two billion things and I keep running out of things to write. I AM SORRY!

I hope you like this very overdue chapter

Thanks guys (and I'm sorry) xx


The sun shone brightly through my window, reflecting across my room. My eyes fluttered opened and I swore, rolling over and realising that I had no bed left.

I groaned, rubbing my face, which I had landed on and attempting to sit up, my body aching.

Who knew crashing through a roof could have consequences?

I blinked a few times to try and wake before I stumbled into the bathroom and had a hot shower.

It turned out that I had bruises down my back and a few across my right shoulder. Movement was basically as fun as ice skating in summer.

In other words, don't do it.

I found some painkillers in the cabinet above the sink and swallowed two, praying for it to work as soon as possible.

I eventually made it too school, with the help of Blakes car and the painkillers finally kicking in.

"You sure you're ok?" Blake asked for the 36th time, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes" I said exasperatedly, "I'm not going to die, I just fell in the shower ok?" I lied smoothly.

I wasn't quite sure how he would take the truth of me smashing down Jayden Millars roof and then jumping out his window.

I knew we were already late, probably due to the fact that we stopped for coffee and cake, so we didn't bother rushing up to first period.

"I know you're lying you know" Blake said softly once we were out of the car. Was I that bad of a liar?

"It's the truth" I mumbled, looking away from his stare. He sighed.

"Just, you know you can tell me anything right?" he took a deep breath and stopped me in my tracks, pulling my arm so we were looking at eachother.

Out of instinct I pulled my arm away with more force than necessary.

"Shit Lexi, do you take steroids or some shit?" Blake half- laughed

"Nah bro I lift" I said, deepening my voice and flexing my muscles. Blake's face softened and then he burst out laughing.

"Never...do... That again" he choked out still laughing and I couldn't help but join in.

We stood there, in the parking lot for what seemed like an hour, laughing our heads off. Our laughter eventually died down and we ended up sitting on the pavement, panting and grinning at eachother.

"Maybe we should go to class" Blake jumped up and held out a hand to pull me up.

I grabbed it and we walked up to the school hand-in-hand. No one took a second glance at us, we were late quite a lot and teachers learnt to just mark us down and give us a detention later.

Suddenly there was a loud yell and Blake's name was screeched across the yard. Students were now littering the area, and turning their heads to see what new scandal had come up.

"Ah fuck" Blake stopped in his tracks, "this is never good"

I searched for the source of Blake's fear and spotted it in bright red shorts and a livid expression.

Hidden Identity (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora