Reason to Fear

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Toshiro watched his surroundings without appearing to. A skill he had personally perfected in his own way. He was surprised by how disoriented his senses seemed to be. It was unusual for him not to have his bearings. Nonetheless there were other more pressing things that he needed to worry about, mainly escape, and if that were not possible, survival. He did not know what these bounts intended to do with him and Kenpachi but he could already surmise that it would not be good for them and probably not anyone else. After all, he and his forces had come to destroy them and relations between the bounts and the soul reapers had never been on the best of terms. Toshiro wished that he still possessed his zanpakto, if for no other reason than it was a comfort to him. He doubted he would have been able to draw it and use it properly with the bonds in which he was currently being kept, but Hyourinmaru's presence still gave him a sense of calm.

Toshiro was only half listening to Kariya's rant. Though Kariya didn't look it, Toshiro knew that the bount was old, and that he was cunning in his own sense. It was highly unlikely that he would say anything that would be helpful in allowing them to escape. No, as far as he was concerned he had won and there was no reason to put that in jeopardy. Typically, Kenpachi was only interested in a fight with Kariya and as Toshiro would expect from the bount, he wouldn't get one. Not yet anyway.

Toshiro knew only that they had been brought to a mansion somewhat outside of town. As far as he could tell it masked both his spiritual pressure as well as those of the bounts and Kenpachi from the outside world, though it was difficult to know anything of that nature for sure with the shackles on his wrists. His thoughts were interrupted by hands on his shoulders. He was pulled to his feet and lead unwillingly towards a wooden table. He had seen tables like it. In fact they had been used in the soul society for torture and even in the world of the living.

The bount that was leading him was surprisingly strong for a woman. He believed her name was Yoshi although he couldn't remember if that was correct or not. He knew he would be less likely to get injured if he didn't fight, but he didn't know why she was taking him towards the table and he had no desire to find out. Bounts had a reputation after all and there were only so many reasons he could come up with; each of them very dark and not encouraging thoughts. Despite his struggling she still managed to get him secured to the table. It seemed either they had modified it or built it so that the cuffs on the wrists of the shackles fit nicely into clasps on the table, effectively immobilizing the prisoner without the keeper having to unchain them.

Toshiro watched Kariya smile briefly at the woman before turning his attention back to him. Toshiro felt himself tense. The unknown was often truly frightening to him. He dearly wished that Captain Kurotsuchi had been able to reclaim his files on the bounts. Unfortunately the mystery of what had become of them was still open and unresolved.

Kariya stepped towards him slowly, measuring his reactions. Toshiro tried his hardest not to reveal anything about his inner turmoil to the bount. He understood that it was very likely that Kariya was a master of this trade and he was unfamiliar with the territory. He did know the ways of interrogation though and knew that he could resist it if that was Kariya's plan. However, Toshiro, got the feeling this was not the case. Kariya stopped in front of Toshiro. Ironically due to the height of the table Toshiro was able to stare the bount in the eye. Red stared into icy blue.

Kariya smiled. "Ready?"

Toshiro stared back coldly. He didn't know if he was or wasn't, but knowing was not required to be defiant. In an instant the bount's blinding speed allowed him to grab a fist full of Toshiro's jacket. The feeling that followed was so unpredictably excruciating that Toshiro could not help the surprise that covered his face. He choked on the scream that tried to escape him as the bount began sucking out his spiritual pressure. Being a creature that was only a spirit he knew that if the bount wanted to, he could easily destroy him. Toshiro could feel his energy being drained, he could feel his body slowly dying, and the feeling was agonizing.

He tried to breathe, but found his throat was too constricted for air to pass through. His senses were numbing, he couldn't feel his arms any more, and still the pain lanced through his body. It seemed as though he was feeling the pain, seconds before the spreading numbness concealed it. The scream that had been suppressed was finally able to break free, though it came out as more of a strangled cry. The last thing he heard was his own ragged breath and his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Kariya's smiling face was fading behind a screen of spreading blackness as Toshiro succumbed to unconsciousness.

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