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Momo sat alone beside Toshiro. Rangiku had left stating that she needed some time to think. Momo had no idea what Rangiku was going to think about, but she imagined that it had to be something important to take her away from her ailing captain. It had been eight days since they rescued Toshiro from the bounts. His breathing was much stronger and his konpaku had solidified so he was no longer see-through. Still he had not awakened. She was startled from her thoughts by Toshiro's fingers tightening over hers. Toshiro's breathing quickened from the deep and even breaths of sleep. His eyebrows lowered pulling his eyelids open on their rise. He blinked slowly looking around.

"Toshiro?" Momo said softly.

His eyes moved to her. "Momo," he responded weakly. "Where are we?"

"We're at Urahara's place."

"And the bounts?"

"They've escaped to the soul society."

Toshiro was silent for several moments. "How long have I been out?"

"Eight days." Toshiro closed his eyes and was still for a long time. So long that Momo thought he had fallen asleep again. At last his eyes opened once more.

"How long have they been in the Soul Society?"

"Um," Momo had to think for several moments before she was able to figure out the answer. "Two or three days. I can't remember which."

Toshiro nodded. "Where's Rangiku?"

"Oh, she just left today. She said she needed some time to think."

Toshiro sighed deeply and Momo could hear his frustration. "Let me know when she comes back." Momo nodded. Toshiro's breathing evened out again. "Toshiro?" This time there was no response. Momo could only watch as her adopted brother slept once more. Rangiku returned around lunch time and Momo made sure she came to speak with Toshiro. He was slower to wake this time, taking several moments before his eyes were clearly focused.


"Yes captain."

"I want you to go to the soul society. Prepare the men to meet the bounts and take care of things. I'll be there in two days. Can you handle that?" Although the words sounded harsh Momo knew that Toshiro was honestly asking if his Assistant Captain felt up to the task, not demeaning her.

"Yes, captain."

"Good. You better get going."

Rangiku nodded, but she did not smile. Momo wanted to ask her about it but there was no time as the Assistant Captain stood and left. Momo turned back to Toshiro and was surprised to see a pained look in his eyes as he stared at the ceiling.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," he said, but she could hear exhaustion in his tone. "You don't have to stay by my side. I'm sure I'm safe enough here. Go, get some rest." Momo opened her mouth to object, but Toshiro's eyes showed that there would be no arguing. Instead she closed her mouth and nodded her head. She stood slowly not wanting to leave him, but knowing that he would not rest until she had departed. She stepped out into the hall and saw Rangiku collecting her things in preparation for her departure.

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