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I was currently sitting outside on the front porch reading some Shakespeare trying to pass the time. I decided to decline the offer of my new job and stay in charming High, they have just let me take a few weeks off , months if I have to.

"Hey you" I looked up from my book to see Juice walking up the porch steps

"Hey" I smiled as I put my book down

"Mommy" I turned to the door to see Junior running towards me

Juice laughed as junior scrambled up to sit on my lap .

"How have you been?" I asked , hoping he wouldn't ask me

"Good , I left the club" juice said and my jaw dropped

"You what?" I asked

"I left sons of anarchy" he said looking right at me

"Why ? Can you even do that?" I asked shocked at what he was telling me

"I came into the club with high expectations , thinking that I could have a family out of this but I was wrong . The club is so manipulating , it's like venom. I don't want to be in with that anymore. Everyone is turning their backs on each other , everyone is fighting , arguing . When I joined , we would have all taken a bullet for each other , now , I don't know which one of us would be holding the gun" juice said and I couldn't believe my ears

"Junior go get grandma and paint mommy a picture" I smiled as I kissed his cheek

Junior nodded and jumped down form my legs. He high fived Juice on the way past and I sat there still in shock.

"Someone is destroying that club" I said

"Who ? It's not Jax , the club has destroyed him . I mean come on, you wouldn't be here if it didn't" juice said

"Someone who has something to gain from it. It's not Opie, I spoke to him and he's done so is pienny" I said

"There is two people who haven't said anything about the way we have turned out and it's Clay and Tigs"

"Well if clay is up to anything Tigs sticks by his side . We need to find out who is ruining the club" I said

"I hate to say this but Jax knows everything , he's been writing in a diary for a while , he's been wary of everyone . He knows what's going on and he will only tell you " juice said and he was looking at me with an emotion I couldn't quite figure out

"I don't know if I can speak to him Juice " I said

"I know what he done was horrible and hurt you a lot. You two are the couple that everyone wants to be , your love is so strong its crazy. I'm not going to get all soppy on you but I swear you are his soul mate and he is yours. God if I had a love like yours I wouldn't ever want to lose my partner. It's going to take time to forgive him but maybe if you figure out what's been happening in the club you two can work things out" and with that he got up and walked into my parents house


I feel like I've sat outside someone's house so many times. Deciding whether to go in or just leave but I know I have to go in for the sake of finding of who caused the accident and what has made Jax into the man he is . I got out the car , lightly closing the door as I didn't want to wake him , bearing in mind it is 3am . He might not even answer the door but you never know.

I slowly walked up the driveway , passing jax's bike and I knew straight away it hasn't moved since I left. Why isn't he riding ? Surely he's been out partying? I walked up the little path to the door and stopped . Should I knock , or go back to the car. I looked back to my car so many times but I know I couldn't go back. I was about to knock but I smacked my foot against a stupid plant pot and caused it to smash. Seriously Mia , how stupid can you be . I slapped my forehead lightly and groaned as I kneeled down to pick the broken pieces up .

"What do you want" and I swear I've never jumped so high in my life

I looked to see Jax with a gun in his hands. I'm your wife , not an axe murderer.

"I smashed the pot , sorry" I said standing up

"What...why , em what are you doing here?" Jax stuttered

"I came to see you" I said as he lowered the gun

He looked really happy to see me but then he looked scared . I wanted to hug him but we have to get to the bottom of this mess.

"Why?" He asked and I knew what he was thinking

"Juice came to see my dad and we spoke. You have to tell me who caused the accident , why you have changed and what the fuck is happening to samcro" I said

"Well that wasn't what I was expecting, come in please" he said

I walked in the house and I never knew how much I missed it. The smell , the warmth , all my furniture and ornaments. Better yet, it's tidy . I thought Jax would have smashed it up.

"Can you tell me everything you know about the accident ? I need to know to understand why you have been acting the way you have" I said as I sat on the living room couch

"I want to but I don't want you to know" Jax said sitting across from me

"Jackson teller! I'm your wife , you have to tell me things so I understand what's going on" I shouted

"Fine fine . Don't moan at me when you know!" I nodded to let him continue "a month before the accident , clay moaned about me not treating you like an old lady , in order for me to be in the club I had to see you as just an old lady , nothing else. I didn't want to lose the club as I have no qualifications to do a job so I did just that. I felt horrible , I felt like shit but I had to make money for the family somehow . About 3 days before the accident , clay spoke to me and was right up my ass about you knowing everything about the club . I knew I shouldn't be telling you all the shit I have but I trust you. He found out , God knows how and he threatened to hurt you if I told you anything again . I thought he was talking shit so I just laughed at him , told him to fuck off and that was that . Then a few days later , the drop off all got changed . I was scheduled to go with Clay, Tigs and Bobby but clay switched it up. I thought nothing of it because clay had other arrangements. Then we found out about the accident, I wasn't sure what happened or who did it so I couldn't blame anyone . After the accident something inside me snapped. Clay made your dad do that run for a reason then it clicked that he used your dad to hurt you . I honestly had no proof of this so I've spent most of my time working out how he done it. I've got most of the details , I've just got one piece to prove it was him. I could blame him for the way I've been but it's me too. I let work get over me, I let alcohol take over my brain and I'm sorry, so sorry but I had to find out if it was clay before I kill him myself . No one hurts my family and my club , especially another member!" And I was kinda shocked

Clay wouldn't try to hurt me or my family . He wouldn't set up the accident to hurt me mentally would he? Why would he want to hurt me? Because Jax treats me like a wife and not an old lady , how sick and vile can you get!

"You mean , he wanted to kill them so I would be hurt?" I asked hoping Jax would tell me no

"That's what he hoped would happen . I have a book, I've been writing everything in. I know its a lot to take in but I have everything except how he done it. I know he hired someone but I don't know how yet" Jax said

"Well we can stay up all night and not sleep until we find out who he hired and we can make the bastard suffer!" I said and by now I was angry. Angry that Clay would even try hurt the club or my family , angry that he thought he could get away with it .

"We have to get Tigs away from him because he is joined at Clays hip !" Jax said

"I will pull the trigger if I have to but clay no longer gets to think he has gotten away with this . Get coffee , phone the guys and I will set the dinning room up for us to figure this out !" I said to Jax as I got up from the couch and walked out the living room

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