Red Numbers

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Chapter 1: The Secret

It was another Red John case. This time it was a middle-aged woman at a rehab center for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Her name was Amanda. Lisbon flinched, she knew Amanda and Amanda knew her secret. One that Red John wouldn't allow to live.

"So Amanda Brown: 45, no kids, no family...

Lisbon couldn't stay any longer this was to close. She noticed that Jane was demanding every detail down to where the poor woman got killed, Rigsby was next to Van Pelt,who was trying not to look scared, and Cho was examining the body. This was her only chance of leaving unnoticed. Keeping her eyes on Jane she carefully left the room while the forensics team entered the room. If Jane knew what she was going to do he would never let her leave. Waiting in the hall for a good 10 minutes it seemed to her that Jane really was overly obsessing and that the coast was clear. She swiftly walked down the hall, exited the building and stepped out onto the parking lot. It was storming and darker then ever. She pulled out her flashlight but then thought better of it and placed the flashlight back in her jacket pocket. If Red John was still here he would easily follow Lisbon to her -hopefully still alive- secret and she couldn't let that happen.

She went into the forest next to the rehab center and began treading the waterlogged forest floor, now soaked, she paused for a moment analyzing her surroundings: she was far enough away that if she used her flash light Jane would have to look very closely to see it. Especially through all the rain and trees. Pulling out her flashlight she tried to turn it on only to find it dead. This was getting irritating. She drops it and continues walking. Halfway to her destination a huge flash of lightning illuminates the entire forest as if it were broad daylight. And that's when she sees it: the shadow of a man was behind a tree. Red John!? She turns and runs quickly tripping over fallen branches and practically sliding on the leaves. He's chasing after her, his footsteps heavy and he shouts her name right when a roll of thunder muffles his voice. He tries again.

"...resa! Ter..."

Another clap of thunder. He gets close enough and grabs her jacket which she quickly unzips to get away. Her heart is racing as another bolt of lightning illuminates the forest revealing her position. She can just make out a small shed in the distance where her secret should be safely kept. Unfortunately she had slowed down slightly and he gains on her. Grabbing her arm he pulls her back and she struggles to get out of his grip when he grabs her other arm. It's too dark to see him and she panics struggling harder. She kicks his knee and he buckles, releasing her. She kicks him again and again but he grabs her ankle and twists causing her to fall in the mud and leaves. She tries to get back up but he gets on top of her and pins her on the ground. Another flash of lightning and she finally sees his face but it's not Red John it's


He's breathing heavily. His expression is a mix of confusion and pain. The light from the lightning fades and they end up in the dark again.

"Remind me *pant* to never *pant* scare you *pant* again. *pant* "

Red Numbers(the mentalist)Where stories live. Discover now