Red Numbers 7

323 20 4

Chapter 7


She begins to open the envelope which is when Catherine snatches it away from her and tears it in half, drops it on the floor, and runs off to her room. Lisbon picks up the pieces and takes out the letter:

1236 7865 3181 5437 9923 4436 4980 7564 1890 2837 7438

I'm waiting.


"It's called the God Sequence. Catherine has been working on it for the past four years that I've had her. Basically you take a date, something that impacted you or changed the way you thought, and you plug it into the Amelia Sequence. Continue successfully and you hit the God Sequence."

Jane crosses his arms and gets that pensive expression on his face.

"God Sequence?"

"The sequence repeats the date you've plugged in. It makes history repeat itself."

"What's the date?"

"*sigh* I don't know. I'll find out soon enough I guess. The sequence requires

twelve sets of numbers, each set consists of four numbers. Those numbers in the letter? Are eleven out of the twelve sets, he's waiting for the last set."

It was late, almost the middle of the night and Jane and Lisbon were trying to work out what happens next, and what they should do about Catherine; who was trying her best at pretend sleeping. Being the insomniac Jane was as awake as he always is, but Lisbon was worn out. This whole week became overwhelming for her: Amanda's murder, saving her daughter, Red John stealing files on Catherine, having to answer Jane's relentless questions, and now holding a letter in her hand from Red John to her daughter which contained the eleven sets that he shouldn't even know about. It was to much for her, she just couldn't think anymore and that became apparent to Jane.

He sits next her on the couch, and grabs the clicker, turns on the television and puts on mute which turned on the subtitles. She lets out a tired sigh and rests her head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around her and has her get a little closer. They watch Animal Planet in silence and stare at the screen as a pack of wolves go after a buck, dear, and a fawn. It was like watching them in animal form. Red John and his pack of psychopaths going after the three of them. The buck charges at the lead wolf, who has just about reached the fawn, and rams his antlers against the wolf sending it rolling a few yards away. The fawn escapes and runs with the buck to the deer who has trampled a smaller wolf with its huffs. The three make a run for it and reach a lake. Not wanting to see how it ends Jane turns off the TV.

"Let's take a break from it all and try to relax."

"Hmm that's a good idea. I have question for you though. Why are you so obsessed with Animal Planet?"

He smiles at the question.

"It helps me think."

"Oh, *yawn* goodnight Jane."


She gradually fades into a deep sleep on his shoulder and he carefully lays her on the couch and covers her with a blanket. Taking the letter from her he heads over to Catherine's room and peers in. She's fast asleep in bed, her black notebook in her arms. The covers are all rumpled and she's curled up in a ball shaking her head no. She's having a nightmare. He goes to turn on the lamp next to her bed which wakes her up instantly and she backs away all wide eyed and pale. Scanning the room she visibly relaxes after the realization that Red John isn't here. Her eyes meet Jane's.

"Rough night?"

She shivers and he kneels to her level.

"I need you to know that your safe here. I won't let him hurt you."

She just gives him a small, tired smile.

"You think I'm just saying it to comfort you but I'm not. He won't hurt you as long as you're with me."

Taking her notebook out of her arms she flips the pages until she picks the right one and shows it to Jane.

For the most part it's all equations that add up to 1414, but what caught Jane's attention was Catherine's writing at the center of the page in big bold print:



430 North Main Street

34°03′23.63″N 118°14′22.07″W

"That's the CBI building. What's going to happen there?"

She's fading fast.


All she can do is push the notebook into his hands and then she falls asleep.


Remember she writes the date time and location to major events... Also in the previous chapters when I wrote ~...~ it wasn't telepathy Jane was just reading her body language. Just clearing it up

: )

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