Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When he came back the air had a light smell of peach in it.

"Good morning Catherine."

She nods in response as she flips through a different notebook.

He found Lisbon in Catherine's room observing-no memorizing-everything in the room from where she was sitting on the floor up against a side of the bed. He nocks on the wall.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, just thinking."

He sits next to her.

"Thinking about what?"

"What her voice sounds like if she talked. She can, you know. And it's not hypnotism because her pupils aren't dilated or anything. So how could I even get her to say anything? Just things like that."

She turns to Jane.

"By the way where were you?"

"Mmm at the CBI...can you tell me more about Xander?"

"Oh um...why?"

"I saw him at the CBI, he was talking to Minnelli. Don't ask me what he said I could only hear Minnelli yell."

She looks confused.

"I don't understand. Xander is dead, I killed him in self-defense...the day I found Catherine...I don't think I'd forget something like that."


"So what was the conversation?"

"Something that you did that apparently you didn't do but I think you did without knowing that you did it."


"Teresa, you shot Xander but he was just Posing as Xander. So you did kill him but you didn't. You've only ever thought you did because he's never showed himself until now. Also on a side note, if Red John allowed him to be a copycat would he really let him go to waist? SO you killed him but you didn't."

"Uh that doesn't make any sense. I killed Xander! He's dead and gone. What you saw was an imposter."

"What I saw was your husband. And your husband is after your daughter."

She groans in defeat. There's really no sense in arguing with Jane.

"So now what?"

"Well, Red John is attacking at every angle. He's scaring Catherine into submission. By killing Amanda he took away her self-confidence. Now her actually-not-dead father is coming after her, there goes her security. Also, Lisbon you have been accused of something, and if I'm correct it's that you work for Red John. Now she wouldn't trust anyone and what do you think a scared teenager would do if they heard that their mother works for a serial killer?"

"They'd run away..."

"Right into his arms."

"So is this the part where you come up with some ridiculous plan?"

He smiles at her.

"You know me so well. Catherine hasn't run off yet, so she doesn't know. And it will be made known by the end of today who you supposedly work for. So why don't we go against the equation? Do something completely unexpected."

"Which would be?"


"You mean running?"


"Coward. We can't just take her away and vanish, Jane. Red John is out there somewhere and he's getting to close for comfort. Having her go outside? That's to much of a risk."

"But if we stay then she'll find out and run away. Catherine's a mistake to him, she wasn't supposed to live but she has for four years. He needs to kill her Lisbon and if we stay he'll do just that. I say we leave."

"Okay fine let's say we leave, what about packing?"

"Lisbon I'm an ex-conman I have enough money to buy three mansions, we're covered. Trust me."

"And where would we go?"

"Wherever the numbers take us I guess."

"You really want his date don't you?"

"I want to put an end to him and As much as its embarrassing to admit your 17 year old daughter has made more progress then I have."

"*groan* We are going to regret this."


"Okay, lets leave in thirty minutes. I want to stay here and memorize her room."

"Why? We could just take a picture."

"I need her to be invisible. Making sure there is no evidence is how I've been keeping her alive all these years. So I need to dedicate this to memory."

"...alright thirty minutes."


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