Chp 11

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Rosa came into the office staring at me like I'm crazy. She squinted her eyes then a wide smile broke on her face.

"You're glowing. Are you having sex?" I almost choked on the air.

"No. I'm not having sex, Rosa. The last time I had sex I got pregnant." I can't believe she asked me that question and at work of all places.

"Well if you're not having sex, only a man can make you glow like that. Who's the fine brother who has you all hot and bothered?" Rosa asked.

"It's Devan and the only thing we did was kissing. I swear." Am I glowing? It can't be. It took six weeks before Devan and I shared a kiss last night. The amazing, mind-blowing kiss. I can imagine those lips kissing me all over even down to...

"Girl well he must be a fantastic kisser." Rosa laughed going towards the reception area.

Less than ten minutes later Rosa gave me two envelopes. The first one is a plain white envelope with only my name written on it. When I opened the folded paper inside it read:

Hope you are happy now since you are screwing around with that rich boy. That boy can't give you what I can. You need a real man to take you to bed and make you scream. I've seen how you touch yourself sometimes.
Don't worry we'll meet up soon. By the way, how is that bastard child of yours doing?

Who sent this perverted letter? It's typewritten, so I can't guess who did this. I opened the second envelope with the hotel's logo. Oh, no. Please don't let this be it. I slowly opened the letter:

Dear Ms. Augustine,
On behalf of the Oasis Hotel, we want to thank you for your time of service. As per se the Labor Laws of Belize you will be paid for the nine months of service.
You are being dismissed for lack of accountability of finance and poor performance on the job site. You are requested to pack your belongings within ninety minutes of receiving this letter or police officers will be called to escort you off the premises.
We wish you the best in your future.

That afternoon I went home, explained everything to my mom except for the mysterious letter then I called Devan. Devan said he was in a meeting but will come over when it's finished. I still can't believe so much can happen in a day. First the creepy letter then my dismissal, it's a lot to deal with.

There is no need to panic, I just need to find another job because being a single mother is not cheap. My phone is ringing nonstop, but I didn't answer it because it is a private number. I don't like to answer an unknown number. But the ringing is getting on my last nerves, so I picked it up.

"Hello?" It's harsh, but I am pissed right now.

"I guess you've received my letter babes." Babes?

"Who is this?" I need to know

"Don't worry. Just make sure that tight body of yours is waiting for me. I'll see you soon, thickness." The line went dead, I can't trace the number because it's private. I quickly hid the letter in my drawer, I don't want Devan to know about it. Not as yet.

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